7 things you could be doing instead of "Only" Labor

Don’t we all have a love-hate relationship with our work? We passionately hate when we’re stuck in the office at 9 p.m., and we love it so much that we actually take some of our work home with us, or worse yet, you think about work on vacation.

Now, stop thinking about work and take a look at 7 things you could be doing instead of “just” working:


Seriously folks, don’t you think America lacks sleep? We get up early in the morning, we come home late that almost all we do is work! The lack of creativity these days is attributed to a lack of sleep. So if you want to hatch that next million dollar idea in your head, you better be sleeping.

Making costumes for Halloween

I can smell the pumpkin soup my grandmother is cooking. And I actually feel like a kid again with all the Halloween decorations I can see in the neighborhood. Halloween is my favorite holiday next to Thanksgiving. Plus, it’s only Halloween when girls can dress up as sluts and get away with it!

Forex trading

Have you ever wanted to earn additional income? Currency trading takes place on the largest financial market in the world. This market is so large that $ 3-4 trillion is traded every day (the New York Stock Exchange has a volume of $ 25 billion per day). In Forex, you pit two currencies against each other basically on the merits of their economies. With the help of the Internet, currency trading is now available to anyone, anywhere. It could also give you a great perspective on the financial state of our country today.

Playing World of Warcraft

My boyfriend just downloaded the recent wow patch (1gig!) And he didn’t sleep that night because he was too excited to see the new game updates. I totally understand his addiction to surprise, as much as he understands my relationship with my shoes. All is fair in love and war. The question is, will I see it when WOTLK comes out?

Campaigning for your favorite candidate

Actively participate in your community. Say what you have to say, stand up for something. Assert your right to be heard. Vote this November 4. If you are not voting, you have no right to complain about the country.

Working your garden

If you have the time (and the area) to work in your garden, do it. This labor of love not only helps Mother Nature, but it also gives you a chance to flex those muscles. Also, your mind doesn’t benefit as well. Get those numbers out of your head and harmonize them with nature. The color green also calms your mind and alleviates any suffering you may feel at the moment.


Men, listen to this. Women find men who know how to cook IRRESISTIBLE. I repeat, irresistible. So get that apron of yours and start cooking us some good food. Who knows, you might get something tonight!

Whoops! I’m starting to miss work again. This self-imposed exile is getting into me. And you? If you are not working, what would you be doing?

Note: For all workers, I do not mean any harm. I think everyone is excellent at what they are doing and must continue to do so or else our economy will collapse (and with the credit crunch, I think everyone is lucky to have a job these days).

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