After the effects of a flood

The flood is a natural disaster that is unavoidable; It is the overflow of water on the land. There are many factors involved that cause flooding, this includes storms, broken dams, slow runoff, tsunamis, hurricanes, and underwater volcanic eruptions.

Water is important in people’s lives. In fact, the human body of an adult male is approximately 60% water, while 55% in an adult female. ¾ of our earth’s surface is covered by oceans, making it the only known planet in our solar system that can support life. But when the time comes when these waters accumulate into a dangerous statistic and cause flooding, it causes a lot of trouble and damage to our lives.

The effect of floods on ourselves and the environment falls into three categories:

Long-term effects / Primary effects

• Physical Damage from Floods – Can be very massive. These range from broken bridges, lost and damaged cars and other vehicles, broken buildings, punctured or broken sewage systems, broken or cracked roads, and damage to canals and other types of structures and infrastructure.

• Casualties – Another very disastrous effect of flooding on a community is the loss and death of people and livestock. These livestock may include poultry and pigs. Plant damage is also severe. If the situation is serious, epidemics and other diseases can also occur.

Side effects

• Water contamination: When a water supply system is affected by flooding, sewage contamination of the water system can occur. This results in a shortage of water supply to the affected area. The supply of clean drinking water becomes very scarce.

• Crop and food supply shortages: When a flood occurs in an area, the livestock and crops in the area are greatly affected and thus cause food shortages that lead to famine.

• Diseases – A flood brings many deaths to animals, and these carcasses of dead animals contain bacteria. Having these bacteria in the water and in the community causes different types of diseases. When a flood occurs, it is expected to bring with it different types of diseases.

Tertiary/Long-Term Effects: One effect of flooding on the community, which will last a long time, is economic hardship. This can be a decline in tourism, the cost of rebuilding infrastructure, food shortages resulting in increased prices and many more.

Water is a very important natural substance found on our planet. Without it, we humans will not be able to survive. If our world is taken with due care, this disaster can lessen.

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