Suffering with you

I am watching the series AD The Bible continues. It gives you a real look at the life of Jesus and the disciples. It’s exciting and sometimes just too much; then I am forced to close my eyes.

The Romans had no respect for life. When they didn’t get away with it, they simply began crucifying ten innocent young Jewish men a day until they got the information they wanted.

Blood flowed. Whips were used. Trampled soldiers. Life was slowly ripped from people simply to show power. To cause fear. And they succeeded.

I need to see it, although I turn my head when it gets too much. I need to understand the time when Jesus was here on earth. You see, I look through the lens of the world around me at the world of Jesus when He was here on earth.

I see paved roads and houses with green gardens. I see governments in suits that rule around tables, controlled by reason and humanity. I look with eyes that value human life.

So my image is skewed.

There was no law or justice at the time. It was barbaric. It was horrible. It was extremely horrible.

That was the moment when Jesus came to earth. Hit until you bleed. Hit until something breaks and then hit some more. Inhuman pain and pain. Nailed to a wooden cross so that the blood would flow from Him, until Life also died.

Inhuman suffering and pain and hurts and deprivations. So much so that Jesus felt so far from God at one point that he cried out: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Have you ever been so desperate that even God was no longer around?

This is the third time I have written about this, because I want to and have to insist on this point. Jesus knows about suffering from pain. Jesus knows: “I can’t go on.” Jesus knows he wants to give up. Jesus knows that he wants to go out, like the fighters who cannot continue.

18So when he appeared before God as high priest to get rid of the sins of the people, he would have already experienced it all himself, all the pain, all the trials, and could help where help was needed.

Jesus walks with you in your pain. He gets in your shoes with you and keeps fighting. He knows. He understands. It has been there, step by step. His tears rain down with yours.

Therefore, he cannot leave you. Not when He has experienced what you are experiencing.

Know that Jesus is with you in your fight. Together they will overcome it.

Holy Scripture

Hebrews 2: 14-18


Do you believe in the suffering of Jesus?

Do you think He suffers with you?

Do you think you can also suffer with others?


Jesus, I listen, but I really don’t know what to make of it. Please help me, I can’t anymore. Amen.

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