The best exercise to lose weight: The best exercise to lose weight

Unsurprisingly, the best exercise for weight loss is a form of intense cardio. Interval training, as it is called, allows you to lose weight effectively and quickly by increasing your metabolism and giving you other advantages in reaching your goals. It is important to understand the various intervals of such an exercise in order to perform it correctly.

stroke interval

In high-intensity interval training, sprint intervals consist of a maximal sprint for a short period of time. These intervals usually last around 15 to 30 seconds. In low intensity training, sprint intervals can last up to 20 minutes. However, in the search for the best exercise for weight loss, high-intensity training would be much more effective in achieving maximum fat loss.

rest interval

This is the recovery period between each sprint interval. They should be performed at a low intensity to allow the body to recover as much as possible before performing the next sprint interval. It is important to detail this phase, as it determines the amount of energy you have to put into the sprint phases.

Things to keep in mind when creating an interval program:

* Duration of the sprint interval

* Rest interval duration

* Number of repetitions in both sprint and rest intervals

* The intensity of the sprint interval

As you can imagine, an interval routine consists of a warm-up phase, followed by alternating repetitions of the sprint and rest phases, and concludes with a cool-down phase. Workouts only last 20-30 minutes, yet studies have recently shown that high-intensity interval training is more effective for fat loss than moderate-intensity training.

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