The Dangers of Crystal Meth during the Conception and Birth Process

The Dangers of Crystal Meth during the Conception and Birth Process:

Crystal meth is often present in the environment of the newborn during its development and very much present in the general birth process. It was during the latter stages of pregnancy that this substance is often encountered by expectant mothers. Although some medical practitioners would disagree to this claim, it has been established that there are many cases wherein babies born addicted to crystal meths had been delivered by Cesarean delivery. There are also reports where the child was born addicted because of excessive smoking done by the mother duringcourse of labor.

Crystal Meth in the environment during the normal course of the birth process is not considered harmful or lethal to the fetus. However, prolonged or repeated use of this substance can cause a variety of developmental problems in the child. Primarily, it causes the chemical dopamine in the fetus to reduce or lose its level leading to severe learning and behavior disorders. Because of this fact, the health of the child could be at stake if not treated in time. Moreover, prolonged use of this drug duringof labor can also affect the mother’s physical well-being. The child being born would have an increased chance of having a low birth weight or prematurity.

Crystal Meth

Crystal meths as mentioned above is often present in the environment during the normal process of conception and birth. In fact, there have been cases wherein it was documented that pregnant women used this drug during the course of their pregnancies. This substance could be detected in the amniotic fluid and the placenta, but the amount present in the fetus’ blood or any other blood fluids is too minimal to elicit any health risks to the unborn child.

However, even with the use of this drug during the normal process of conception and birth, there have been reports of its adverse effects being felt by the child once he was actually born. The baby would experience withdrawal symptoms when he was weaned from the drug. These symptoms, mostly manifested in the stomach or intestinal area, were said to be the result of the child adapting his digestive system to the drug. As a result, the child would suffer from severe vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. His growth would also be stunted because of this. This was the reason why many experts believe that meths is indeed dangerous during the gestational period.

The Dangers of Crystal Meth during the Conception and Birth Process

What does this mean for moms who are addicted to meths during pregnancy? Do you really want your baby to suffer like this? Putting your child on meths during your pregnancy may seem like a good idea, but is it really safe? Crystal meths are widely available in many places where medical clinics are located. And this is not surprising, the drug is highly addictive and has many negative effects which are commonly manifested in the bodies of babies born to mothers who are addicted to it. Although some medical experts still maintain that meths is not physically addictive, it is still highly dangerous for the health of the baby.

If you’re worried about putting your baby on meths during your pregnancy, it’s best that you find a safer alternative for you and your baby. Medical professionals are aware that the birth process itself is highly risky if the mother is already addicted to drugs; hence, it’s best that you find a safer method of getting the drug through your delivery process. There are safer ways to get drugs during the birth process which does not endanger the life of the mother and the baby as well.

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