The report card of your life: how are you doing?

Remember when you were in high school or even elementary school you used to get a report card every few months? If you behaved well, did your homework, and studied, you could have received a B or even an A.

But if you relaxed in any or all ways, you probably had to explain to your parents why you got a D or even an F.

Basically, your grade was your teacher’s opinion or rating of how he felt you were doing with your responsibilities, actions, and behaviors.

Do you think you’re still getting report cards today when you’re in your 30s or even 60s? Oh, chances are the teachers have retired or moved on to new classes and different students, but believe me, life still gives you a report card, every day, every month, and yes, every year.

It may not be a piece of paper with a bunch of letters or numbers on it, but trust me, are you still getting reviews on how the people in your life think you’re doing?

And who are those people? They are yours; clients, bumps, spouses, children, coworkers, and often even some of the strangers that pass through your life like; flight attendants, restaurant servers, mechanics, or your doctors.

No, not all of them give you a written report, but they do assess who you are, how you act, what you believe in, and even how you can treat them.

So if I still have you, what kind of grades do you think you’re getting? a spouse (I’m not talking about counseling sessions here), your boss (and I’m not talking about your annual reviews), your kids (and I’m not talking about their grades in school or on the soccer field), your clients (and I don’t mean how much money you could be making from them) or your family doctor (and I don’t mean your annual physical or checkup)?

Unfortunately, most people (and I include myself in this group) wait until they’re failing at something or something stops working before they make changes, try to improve, modify behavior, or simply admit that what they’re doing is or will be. someday. give them an F

Let me give you an updated grading system that’s a little more relevant to life than the report cards you used to get. I call it My Life because it’s Report Card.

You’re getting an A-

Did you notice I didn’t include an A+ in this group? It’s simple: none of us is perfect, we all have flaws, we all make mistakes, and sooner or later, we all fail at something. An A means you are exceeding life’s expectations. You are learning, growing, maturing and recognizing areas in life where you need to improve the most. Your ego is not running your life. Your arrogance is under control and your patience does not demand that you do anything or everything faster, better and/or easier. Your need for control is under control. Your stress is not killing you. And your spiritual life is governed by humility, peace, generosity and compassion. Yes, there are a few more elements that contribute to your…
A – degree, but in the end, the above are the main factors that tell you: you are on the right track, keep going. But be careful not to lose the above items, or the consequences could be dramatic.

You’re getting a B-

Take all the items mentioned above and just narrow down the definition, eg.
You’re learning, growing, maturing, and recognizing areas in life where you need to improve even more, but you’re not doing all you could or need to do. Your ego is not running your life, but it has its moments depending on the person or situation. Your arrogance is not a serious problem, but it could be. Your lack of patience is often shown by your rush or need to do something faster, better, and/or easier. Your need for control is not under control. Your stress isn’t killing you yet, but it is having a negative impact on some area of ​​your health, relationships, or life in general. And your spiritual needs more time, attention, effort and/or better awareness.

You’re getting a C-

AC means you are average in all of the above areas. You are not in serious trouble anywhere yet, but you are not moving in the right or better life direction either. If you don’t make some changes soon, you could quickly find yourself in categories D or even F. It’s time to wake up and recognize that life isn’t easy, fast, accommodating, or revolves around your needs, expectations, or desires. It’s time to grow up and it’s time to let go of your “the world owes me” and/or your “selfie mentality.” This is a crossroads of life where you can change direction in a positive or more negative and destructive way. You can start moving into Territory B and start getting better, stronger, wiser or healthier or you can wake up one day and realize you are failing and it might be too late to change.

You’re getting a D-

AD means you’re headed for disaster and time is running out. Make a few changes early or before you know it, life will give you an F. And believe me, an F can be expensive, uncomfortable, painful, and even deadly. AD says that you still have some time to fix some things, but life is slowly losing patience with you. He says, “I guess the only way we can get their attention right now is with some kind of shake-up, disaster, or circumstance (a divorce, bankruptcy, health attack, or layoff).” Don’t wait too long: The pain of changing a life at this stage can cause many people to give up trying or just give up on life altogether and accept the consequences of the next and last grade: an F.

You’re getting an F-

An F means: you have failed and will spend a lot of time and your remaining life; lonely, scared, sorry, angry, resentful, etc. Now is the time to pay the price for all your mistakes, failures, and poor decisions and behaviors. Can you recover? Of course. Can you bounce? Yes. Can you start over? Always. Can you have a second chance? Yes. But at this stage, it will require a large amount of; humility, effort, dedication, admission, time, patience, hope and help and guidance from others. And it will require that you agree to let go of control of what life brings you and the willingness to trust God during your return to sanity.

So give yourself a rating today at; your finances, your marriage, your career, your business, your health, your social life, your relationships, your family, and your spiritual direction and your beliefs, values, and actions.

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