Walk off the weight

She can sneak up on a person, this has happened to me four times in my life, first she gains a little weight and then her clothes don’t fit anymore. Before you think I’m just talking about the ladies and pregnancy, don’t go away. This happens to all of us, men, women and children alike. Awareness and a pedometer. It has worked for me every time. I’m not asking you to become a person who walks energetically in the morning, at lunch and again after dinner, no, just be aware of how much you walk, how much you need to burn those calories. , and regularly monitor this “balance”. The fastest and easiest way to do this is the speed of 10,000 to 15,000 steps and a pedometer.

First of all, don’t feel alone in this. You and I are not the only two people who need to get in shape and lose some weight. Americans and Canadians are eating more than ever, also eating more of the wrong foods and exercising less. Our national health is in steady and steep decline. Doctor and hospital visits are at an all time high.

However, will we change our ways? Easy! A brisk 30-minute walk a day begins to change that, one person at a time.

The US Surgeon General recommends getting at least 20-30 minutes of moderate activity every day, and as a result, many of us are falling short and growing taller. Some previous studies have shown that the average person takes about 3,000 to 5,000 steps a day and that’s all the exercise your body gets. There just aren’t enough steps in a busy lifestyle between our work desks, our cars, our recliners, and our beds. However, it is not enough to burn the food we consume on a daily basis.

If twenty to thirty minutes a day really doesn’t sound like much to you, consider that fitness experts recommend that we walk 10,000-15,000 Steps a day to maintain good health. So what does 10,000 steps look like, and how long will it take to accomplish that many steps? The good news is that many of the steps counted are performed in normal daily functions, such as cleaning the house, taking out the garbage, walking from the parking lot to the office. 10,000 steps is about 5 miles if you decide to take those steps in a row. Also keep in mind that the average person burns about 100 calories per mile walked. This also helps you balance your daily calorie intake.

To find out how many steps you have taken or need to take each day, you will need to purchase and use a pedometer. Wear it all day to measure your step rate and progress, and in no time, it will become an invaluable motivator.

Increase your steps whenever you can – you’ll love the results you see in week 2, at the end of the month, and certainly after 6 months! During the work week, go for a walk at lunchtime. Evenings and weekends, go for a walk with your partner and/or children. Walking the dog. Walk to the supermarket or park at the other end of the mall parking lot. Take the stairs whenever possible, even for a few flights.

Do you have ideas to share with people on how to increase your steps while wearing a pedometer? Leave them in a comment below, we’d love to hear from you!

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