What are the leading Kenpo organizations?

Kenpo is a name given to various forms of Japanese martial arts. It is a self defense system and it is about ending a fight as soon as possible. It employs a belt classification system similar to karate and has various governing bodies around the world. Read on to learn more about the most influential Kenpo organizations.

Ed Parker International Kenpo Karate Organization (IKKA)

IKKA was founded by Ed Parker. Until the early 1960s, it was known as KKAA (Kenpo Karate Association of America), but once its students began teaching kenpo outside the United States, a more international name was necessary. He governs the International Karate Championships and has several schools around the world in places like Europe and Canada, as well as the United States.

World Kenpo Karate Association (WKKA)

This organization claims to be the sanctioning body of the American kenpo and was founded by Ed Parker and protégé Joe Palanzo. Its mission is to preserve the art of kenpo in addition to helping it grow internationally. More than 500 martial arts schools have joined the WKKA since its founding in 1991, and the organization has certified thousands of black belts to date.

International Kempo Federation (IKF)

This is a non-profit organization that is made up of National Kempo Federations acting as members. It is a global institution and promotes the Kenpo 5.0 system, which helps the IKF stay at the forefront of self-defense. It hosts a number of tournaments throughout the year, including the IKF World Kempo Championships, which are held in different locations around the world. The 2014 Team Championship took place in Vagos, Portugal, for example.

United Kenpo Karate Association (UKKA)

The UKKA was developed by Jay Will in 1991 with the aim of ensuring that Ed Parker’s ideas spread without the sideshow of domestic politics. The UKKA wants to give Kenpo practitioners the opportunity to be part of a family.

The Kwai Sun Company

Kara-ho Kempo was created by William Chow in the 1930s, and one of his best students, Sam Kuoha, helped Chow create the Kwai Sun Company in 1978, which was designed to oversee the creation of hundreds of Chinese schools of Kara-ho Kempo. There are currently more than 10,000 students in more than 150 schools around the world, although the majority are located in the United States.

American Kenpo Karate Systems (AKKS)

The AKKS was founded by Jeff Speakman, one of Ed Parker’s most famous students. Speakman has starred in movies such as “The Perfect Weapon” and “Street Knight,” which showcases Kenpo to the world. The AKKS has more than 50 schools and is an international organization. Speakman also organizes annual camps to help students learn more about American Kenpo.

When trying to learn more about kenpo, it is important not to focus too much on different organizations and just do what you can to improve your kenpo skills. There is likely a school that belongs to one of the aforementioned organizations in your area, so take a look at it and see if it is the right one for you.

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