What may indicate increased stimulation over your current autism treatment

As parents work to find effective treatments for autism, many of the common symptoms that their children present will continue. In most cases, this often includes some form of “stimulation.” Stimming is an extremely common autism symptom that includes certain repeated behaviors or movements. These behaviors are self-stimulating and consist of repetitive behaviors that are performed to stimulate the senses. Examples of stimming include clapping, running in circles, humming, or manipulating objects (such as bending straws or ripping paper).

Although stimming behaviors may seem unnecessary or even inappropriate in some situations, they are not done to attract attention or interrupt. Instead, stimulating behaviors are often used to lower the stress levels of the child who performs them. Since autism causes children to react atypically to sensory input, they often use stimulation to help cope with their sensory problems.

Rocking is another type of stimulating behavior that is common among autistic children. Many autistic children find that rocking back and forth allows them to reestablish a sense of concentration when they feel overly sensitive to stimuli from their surroundings. It can also help with concentration and focus.

Although it is most obvious in autistic children, non-autistic children and adults also participate in forms of stimulation. Consider the number of times you’ve seen someone drum their fingers, tap a pencil, fiddle with paper, or bounce one knee when sitting down. Anxiety tends to adore these behaviors. Although behaviors such as nail biting or whistling are often done involuntarily, they help us maintain control over our emotions and calm us down in tense situations. As children with autism generally find stressors in more of the stimuli in their environment, they often ‘stimulate’ regularly throughout the day and especially when placed in a new environment.

If you find that your child’s stimulation level increases in line with the introduction of new or more frequent treatments, there could be a number of reasons for this.

1. They seek reassurance as they learn something new.

2. The situation is stressful for them, so they are withdrawing to what is familiar: stimulating behavior.

3. They don’t like the change in their routine that the new one is introducing or the increased frequency of treatment.

Of course, these reasons are not the only ones. However, the key is to monitor the behavior and see if the stimulation levels off, increases more, or decreases as the treatment program progresses.

It is also important to note that stimulating behaviors can turn into obsessions. When identifying the characteristics for the treatment of autism, divide your child’s stimulation into two groups: exciting and calming.

Stimulating which is calming is the kind that helps your autistic child regain focus when stressed or anxious. On the other hand, arousal stimulation sends your child’s attention in a negative direction.

An example of arousal stimulation might be when an autistic child becomes enraged and instead of smiling and laughing, may start clapping, running, or screaming. This can be harmful behavior as it encourages behaviors that may be inappropriate and do not lead to effective learning.

Stimming can also be an attachment to specific objects. Although most young children tend to have a favorite toy, such as a doll or blanket, autistic children may find it difficult to let go of their attachment to this object. It can be something they like to smell, look at, hear, or touch.

Stimming can also take the form of organizing things. For example, an autistic child can stimulate himself by putting things in order, lining them up, or stacking things. This, like other stimulating behaviors, can easily become an obsession.

Stimulation habits can be very difficult to break as they are often relaxing and enjoyable and provide a coping mechanism for an autistic child. As a parent, you will need to decide what stimulating behavior is acceptable both in terms of the action itself and in terms of frequency. Be aware that trying to stop all stimulation can be very stressful for your child. So focus on behaviors that are exciting or inappropriate and leave calming or harmless activities alone.

When considering autism treatment for your child, make sure the doctor or specialist is aware of all of your child’s stimming behaviors so that they can be appropriately addressed. Note that stimulation often differs from one form of autism to another.

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