3 fun ways to stimulate creative thinking

Creativity: it is your unique personal expression. It is the way you interact with yourself and with others. It is also a very fun and exciting part of yourself to work with when you want to manifest (create) something in your life. You might want to make a change, adopt a new way of living or being, build a successful business based on your passion and purpose, define and live a life that you love with authenticity and joy.

We are all creative even if we don’t think we are! Too often people tell me things like “But I’m not creative” or “But I can’t draw / paint / write” or “My imagination is terrible” or even “I’ve never created anything so I shouldn’t. Be creative .. . “All of these claims are really just myths because, by the very nature of being a human being, you are creative. Each person has the ability to create. When I think about how to define the phrases ‘create’ or ‘be creative’ I describe them as;

  • To do something
  • Invent (something, like a new thought or belief or a literal product or service)
  • Defy (an existing thought or belief)
  • Identify (a solution or answer)
  • Manifest (bring something into existence; make reality)

Now I want to point out that none of those descriptors or definitions of creativity has to do with artistic ability. Creativity is much more than your artistic ability. We all have even better creativity available and a great way to start embracing and genuinely feeling more creative is to start by opening up to creative thinking.

Here are 3 fun ways to stimulate your creativity, and specifically creative thinking:

Dare to explore

Being creative asks you to think outside the box and challenge what is normal for you, so to do this you must dare to explore. The exploration discovers new and different ways of doing and being that is active creative thinking. The next time you tackle something in your business, ask yourself, “How could you do this differently?”

Think about the big picture

Resist concentrating on the fine details and process, and instead try to have a big picture mindset where your mind is open and expansive. As I often tell my clients, keep an open mind because you allow more in! An open mind is also less inhibited by judgments, restrictions, and limitations, all things that can block creativity and the creative process, literally shutting down creative thinking.

Focus on the opportunity and be excited for the new (Something I like to refer to as embracing the blank canvas with a hug of opportunity!)

It is as simple as being able to see a new project as an opportunity. When there is nothing in front of you but empty space and a thought, that is not a time to be afraid, but rather a time to be excited about the opportunity and possibility and the fact that you have control over what falls. in or on the space you are in. see in front of you. This is a space full of possibilities, not fear and it is where, with that creative mind that you are now embracing, you can literally create anything!

Have fun exploring your creativity and embracing creative thinking!

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