4 simple exercises for perfect abs

The keys to successful weight loss in the abdominal area are diet and exercise. Building an impressive set of Six Pack Abs requires you to eat foods that help burn belly fat, not build it, and focus on exercises that tone the muscles in the abdominal area. There are hundreds of exercises you can do to work your abdominal muscles, but I’m only going to cover the most effective fat burning exercises that are simple and can be done at home without visiting your local gym. Here is a list of the best belly toning exercises you can do at home.

V-CRUNS – are simple and very effective for toning the abdominal muscles. Begin by lying on your back with your arms extended overhead. Raise your torso and legs at the same time forming a V with your body. Be sure to keep your legs and arms straight when performing this exercise. Perform this exercise at a slow, steady pace. If you want to add a measure of difficulty to this exercise, try holding a weight between your feet.

ABS – are the old standard crunches we’ve been doing since we were kids. Lie on your back with your feet flat and knees bent. Interlace your fingers and place the palms of your hands behind your head. The palms of the hands should touch the ears. Or, another version is to cross your arms over your chest. Both work fine. Slowly lift your back off the floor and bring your elbows to your knees if your hands are behind your head, or tuck your chin in toward your knees if your arms are crossed over your chest. You can increase the difficulty of this exercise by again using weights, performing it on an incline, or lifting your feet off the ground as you do the movement. The modified sit-up can be difficult for some people, but it’s a great exercise for developing a nice set of ripped abs.

LEG RAISES – Begin this exercise on your back with your legs straight and your hands at your sides. He raises both legs keeping the ankles touching throughout the movement. Make sure you don’t bend your knees as you do this exercise, and continue to raise your legs until they are at or as close to a ninety-degree angle as possible. Lower your legs as slowly as possible and stop close to the floor without touching it. Repeat this movement several times and your stomach muscles will burn. You can increase the challenge of this exercise by adding weights to your legs as you raise your legs.

CRISPY – They are similar to the abdominals but with less movement. Lying on the floor, cross your arms over your chest or place your hands behind your head. My people like to place their hands behind their heads, but for me personally, that tends to put more pressure on my lower back and causes pain. Try both methods and use the one that is most comfortable for you. Be sure not to pull on your head if you place your hands on or behind your head. This could hurt your neck. Pull your abdomen in toward your spine and lift your shoulders an inch or two off the floor using only your abdominal muscles. Don’t lift your entire back off the ground, just your shoulders. This could cause strain or injury. Only do short, repetitive lifts raising your shoulders a couple of inches off the floor. The key to making this exercise worth your while is continuous flexing of your abdominal muscles as you lift your shoulders off the ground. When your shoulders leave the floor, exhale through your mouth. Lower your shoulders to the point where your shoulders touch the floor as you inhale.

These four exercises, along with a sensible diet, will have a dramatic impact on your efforts to build those perfect abs. Be consistent and your efforts will pay off big time.

For more tips and secrets on how to build six pack abs, please visit my The Truth About Abs website where I review one of the most popular abs building programs ever published on the internet called The Truth About Six Pack Abs.

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