5 easy ways to cut calories

1. Stop drinking sodas and juices:

Have you ever had a large fountain from the gas station? If so, then you probably had more than 1/3 of your daily calorie budget. I have a close friend who lost over 20 pounds. eliminating your daily dose of 64 oz. soda.

Many people think that calories are just food, but they don’t realize how many calories they drink. If you switch to diet sodas and water instead of sodas, juices, and coffee drinks, you can save a lot of money and can significantly reduce your calories.

2. Serving sizes:

The average serving size is usually double what the recommended serving size should be. For example, if you go to a restaurant and order a steak, the smallest portion you can order is about 8 oz., but 12 oz. is probably more common. However, the recommended serving size for a cut of steak for the average person is about 4 oz.

A good tip for determining the perfect serving size is to use your hands. Make a fist with both hands. Your food should not take up more area than the combined size of your two fists. Unless you have disproportionately large or small hands, this method should help you eat portions that will keep you well below your daily calorie budget.

3. Pack your own lunch:

Packing your own lunch allows you full control over the number of calories you eat in a day. If you go to a fast food restaurant or delicatessen, you will consume more than 1000 calories at lunch. That’s more than half the average person’s daily caloric budget for a single meal.

If you pack a sandwich, some fruits and vegetables, and a water, you can keep your lunch to around 500 calories and still be full and satisfied when you’re done.

4. Fruit and vegetable snack

If you get cravings between meals, reach for fruits and vegetables. The average single-serving bag of chips or candy bar is about 300 calories, but an apple, orange, celery stick, or carrot stick will get you under 100 calories.

If you absolutely hate fruits and vegetables, look for 100-calorie snack packs. 100 Calorie Snack Packs are small portions of your favorite snacks that have exactly 100 calories. They’re not as good as fruits and vegetables, but they’re better than a 360-calorie candy bar.

5. Skip the sides:

If you’re going to a fast food restaurant, skip the side menu items. For example, if you get a bag of chips or a side of chips with your lunch, you’re eating an extra 300 to 400 calories. You can keep your lunch on target and avoid overeating by skipping side menu items.

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