A home remedy for hemorrhoids

For natural and safe relief, use a home remedy for hemorrhoids.

This article will highlight a few that have proven to be very successful. Hemorrhoids are more commonly known as piles. They are swollen and inflamed veins in the rectal area that cause pain and a lot of discomfort. Not only is defecation difficult, but during defecation, hemorrhoids can become aggravated.

If the buildups persist or worsen, they will bleed. If this happens, they are known as bleeding hemorrhoids and the discomfort is even worse. Common causes of hemorrhoids are obesity, constipation, pregnancy, and repeated coughing or sneezing.

Here are some popular home remedies for hemorrhoids. Remember, though, that if they don’t improve, you should see a doctor because persistent hemorrhoids may need medical attention. But, the good news is that many people have reported that these home treatments are effective in helping batteries shrink.

Add some black mustard to a glass of plain yogurt. If the mustard is in seed form, first grind it to a fine powder. Mix well with yogurt and eat. Drink a glass of buttermilk afterwards.

Peel a pomegranate and place the skins in a pot of water. Bring to a boil and allow the mixture to cool. Take a glass in the morning and a glass before bed. Another useful bread remedy is to add a mixture of rock salt, peppercorns, and ginger to fresh buttermilk. Drink twice a day.

Here is another home remedy for hemorrhoids, an analgesic drink based on black mustard seeds. Make a fine powder with 10 g of the seeds and add 5 g of sugar and 50 ml of goat’s milk. Mix well and drink a glass as soon as you wake up in the morning. This mixture is particularly good for bleeding hemorrhoids.

To ease the itching and pain associated with hemorrhoids, fill a container with yogurt. Then add 1/2 cup of pomegranate juice and a couple of tamarind flowers. Mix well and add some coriander paste and ginger paste. Have this with lunch.

Cut a yam into slices and let them dry. Subsequently, grind to a fine powder. To 160 g of the powder, add 500 g of jaggery, 80 g of white lead (chitraka or plumbago zeylanica) and 10 g of black pepper. Make a thick paste of the ingredients and roll into grape-sized granules. Eat one at night and one in the morning.

Another soothing remedy for bleeding hemorrhoids is to curdle a quarter liter of goat’s milk for 8 hours. Then add the same amount of carrot juice. Mix well and drink. You can replace the milk with goat’s milk yogurt and use chopped carrots instead of the juice if you prefer.

The most effective home remedy for hemorrhoids is obviously prevention. Do not eat foods that can cause constipation. These include bitter melon, eggplant, raw brown sugar, mustard, salt, and junk food. Drink plenty of water and include fiber-rich foods in your daily diet.

Fiber keeps stools soft and easy to pass. To improve circulation in the gut and intestines, do abdominal exercises every morning. Do not sit on cold or hard surfaces for a long time. When you sneeze or cough, sit down instead of standing up.

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