A powerful tip to become high status and attractive

Staring, staring, or staring at women too much will tend to build female resistance and aversion. It makes women feel self-conscious, which is something they often do. On the contrary, although a woman staring at a man can make him feel flattered and cheerful, happy to be alive, attractive, etc., it is usually different for women who are used to all men looking at them all the time. time, all day. non-stop, every day, even at 7 in the morning, when they don’t have makeup on and are just trying to get some milk.

A common justification for looking at women is often stated bluntly as, “Yes, but women want to be looked at, otherwise they wouldn’t dress the way they do.” This is clearly only a half truth and an excuse. On the one hand, most people, including women, are “walking around, talking about contradictions.” Inner conflicts plague most individuals to an astonishing degree, for example, most stress is consistent with some kind of inner conflict. Therefore, a woman usually wants men to look at her, and yet at the same time she feels self-conscious or even “scared” when they do. Therefore, it is better to briefly ‘peek’ or ‘peek’ at women, rather than ‘stare’ or ‘check’ them.

I often recommend to students only brief looks of appreciation (and nothing more than that) unless they intend to approach her and strike up a conversation. In addition to being aware of the fact that women are conflicted about being ‘watched’, his willingness to refrain from having to ‘check’ all women automatically places him in the category of High Status Man.

On the other hand, Low Status Men are the ones who constantly need to “check everything” around them, throughout the day (eg women, cars, people, clothing stores, “shiny things”). They remind me of my kitty, whose furry little head ‘bobbles’ from side to side almost constantly, as if to say, “Look at the bug! Wow, look at that leaf blowing in the wind! My God, Dad! Dad!” . DAD! DID YOU SEE that butterfly? Wow. This is amazing, dad!” This ‘snapping’ behavior is all very well when it comes to being a kitten, but as a male you are expected to be much less reactive than this.

The way to become less emotionally reactive (and therefore higher status and more spiritually aware) is to develop what I often call “the Witness look.” All the “things” in this world, including women, are actually not that amazingly exciting and wonderful. You’ve already seen a million “pretty butts” and “pretty faces” and “big boobs”, haven’t you? The sooner a man can stop being excited about the little things in life, the better. The less the shoulders, neck, and head move, the better. “The less you ‘do,’ the better off you are.”

High Status Men don’t need to “check everything” all the time, they don’t even bother to look at a beautiful woman for more than two seconds. Instead of being emotionally hyperfocused on the details, they prefer to Be at peace with the Totality of their surroundings. The way to “spot” a Significantly High Status Male (and a spiritually evolved being) is by noticing that they tend to be in your peripheral vision most of the time. Unimpressed by the details of life, they are usually aware of the situation, setting, or total context. Also, they are not making endless comments or useless babble about everything they witness or observe. Silence is highly valued and respected for its own sake.

Living this way easily leads to an impressively high state of consciousness in a short period of time, and also serves to increase worldly status and even sex appeal. It also transcends emotion, which is later replaced by a background of Silent joie de vivre. Furthermore, it leads to the ability to maintain a soft, open and gentle visual gaze for long periods of time. Women tend to want to be around men who are in this state, and will tell their girlfriends that “he had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

Stripped of pretensions, prejudices, social paranoia (fear of approach) and defensiveness (pride), living in the “Witness Gaze” state is a fundamental key to “womanization” and even to life itself. Meeting attractive women and getting dates with them becomes almost “too easy” due to the incredible radiance of unconditional love, as well as the surprising rarity of this relaxed state, condition, and behavior (approximately 0.4% of humans). In this state, one is said to be “in the world, but not of it.” In particular, it leads to states where one feels “mushroom high” naturally and without side effects. (Truly. I would not exaggerate or lie about such matters.)

Thank you for reading.

many blessings,
Stephane Hemon

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