Are you a green leader?


Second to the word “Recession”, the word “Green” is everywhere these days. Green is the new black, not in terms of fashion, but in terms of benefits.

Green is business. Big business.

Organic products. Green processes. green service.

America has gone green and the greenbacks are following.

A few years ago, when I ran an organic beverage business for The Coca-Cola Company, there were many people who didn’t believe organic was here to stay. Many thought it was a passing fad. Today, just one visit to Costco Warehouse (one of my favorite pastimes) will tell you that it’s not just organic that has hit the mainstream… it’s one of the few growing segments in the grocery channel.

But Green is becoming more than just a business. It is a mindset, a movement and a philosophy.

This became clear to me when I recently saw my first “organic baby book.”

We already have green babies!

Organic is a part of the overall green movement. But what is really driving this movement? Many say it’s because of the health benefits, while others may say it’s because of the quality or taste. But this doesn’t explain the organic books, does it? No, there is more to the story.

While many offer logical explanations for the move, I believe it relates to a deeper emotional need to return to a different place and time. What matters to people is to restore, replace, renew. All the “Re” words that are applied in our lives reflect our need to become GREEN. Growth in spas, yoga and other restorative services are another element of GREEN. It is based on the belief that certain things are limited, such as our energy or our earthly resources. In fact, we’ve all heard the common “Re” words associated with the Green movement:

reduce. It is even more important now that resources are scarce and people are eager to restore and return to a place of calm. Energy, a limited resource, is what you need to manage for yourself and your business. Energy management is a green way to address work/life issues and grow your business.



In honor of Earth Day, I thought I’d address how our green mindset is starting to carry over into leadership and our workplace.

So, are you a GREEN leader?


It’s no surprise that during these difficult times, people are being asked to do more with less. There is no better time than now to reduce redundant and unnecessary activities. Do you have your priorities clear? Or are you chasing too many little distractions? Are your timelines filled with too many useless activities that drain your energy and the energy of those around you? Stay away from those things that drain your energy and waste valuable resources. Identify activities you can cut back on to feel more satisfied and energized as a result. Green leaders focus on the fewest things that make the biggest impact.

  • Start today by looking at your activities and develop a DO NOT list.


The need for innovative solutions has made the word “reuse” a dirty word in business these days. However, when we completely discard what works to do it differently, we are not being innovative, we are being wasteful. Being wasteful is not green. True innovation is about reusing old things or ideas in new ways. How are you using old ideas and reapplying them? Are you shutting down ideas before they have a chance to be reused or reapplied in a different way? Can you reuse a solution in a new problem with potential success? If you have recently been laid off, can you apply a previous skill to another industry or job? Green leaders never start from scratch; they realize that past experiences can be reused in new and innovative ways.

  • Start today by finding a new way to reapply an old idea or skill.


Unfortunately, human energy cannot be recycled. We spend it and it’s gone. We can replenish it by doing things we love, or we can restore it by resting. Unfortunately, you cannot treat your energy or the energy of those around you like used plastic bottles to melt down and turn into mats. However, we can recycle energy and resources in the workplace and in our lives by replenishing, restoring, and starting anew. Are you pushing yourself to get things done regardless of your energy level? Are you taking the time to restore yourself by stopping when it’s time to stop? Do you recognize the things that drain your precious energy and the energy of those around you? Green leaders recognize that productivity is only possible when power is restored and replenished.

  • Start today by focusing on the things that restore and replenish you and those around you and limit activities that drain your energy.

When you become a green leader, you’ll be well aware that your business results depend on your ability to effectively manage this limited resource called energy. If you consider the terms “Re”: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and apply them to your life both at work and at home, chances are you’ll return to a different place and time… while keeping the benefits green.

Now, I wish we could bottle that. I’m sure Costco would love to sell it! And you? But seriously, isn’t that where you want to be?

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