ATVs: the 5 best stunts you have to learn

Quad rides, tours, and escort adventures can be an exciting adventure, more than you ever imagined. More stable than two-wheeled bikes, a quad is much safer given its weight, which further contributes to its stability when traversing uncharted and rugged terrain. But don’t be fooled by the volume and size of these vehicles. There’s enough torque and power for an adrenaline junkie to digest. Tricks and stunts on these quads are much more limited compared to two-wheelers, but amazing feats of a daredevil nature can still be executed on these mini monsters. Here are some quad bike stunts that you would surely love to learn.

1. Individual jumps. Expert runners know that jumps are essential and paramount to any other stunt in the sport. The most important thing to do when jumping is to scan the landing area for obstructions and other riders. Failing to do this can spell total disaster. Find the right speed for the height of your jump and approach the edge in a crouched “attack” position. Once in the air, stepping on the throttle of the quad helps keep the nose and front wheels slightly elevated in preparation for landing, in which the rear wheels should always hit the ground first. Go on and do more!

2. Double jumps. Unlike single jumps, this trick requires you to land your ATV on its front tires. You can do this by tapping the rear brake or by applying pressure to the handlebars. Tabletops are the best places to practice double jumps because of the level surface that makes it easy for the rider to maneuver in and out of the stunt.

3. Heel push button. This trick requires more air time compared to single jumps. Great air can be produced with steeper ramps and more acceleration before hitting the ramp. On takeoff, get that spike out of your air and lift your feet by kicking then clicking off your arms. It is important that you have a firm grip on your quad, as the momentum of this stunt can jerk the quad out of your hands and cause the stunt to spin out of control. Return your feet to the ground and assume a crouched position in preparation for landing.

4. Cliff hanger. Another trick that requires the most airtime. As you launch from the lip, use the energy to propel yourself. In a quick movement, raise your arms at the same time that you stretch your legs to the balls of your feet and grab the lower part of the handlebars of the quad. With your head up, reach for the handlebar grips as you bring your feet back to the conventional position, landing with your knees bent.

5. Donuts. Dry land and sandy terrain work best for this trick. At half throttle, lean to turn. Twist the handlebars and then hum the throttle. Avoid leaning too far into the loop.

Performing quad stunts takes a lot of time and practice, as wild as they seem, stunts take a lot of discipline and border on one’s abilities. Riding a quad is a fun sport on its own, although it does require a bit of time and effort; you can improve it a bit by adding a cheat or two to your activity.

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