Business Communication Etiquette 101

Many offices embraced “business casual” attire in the workplace in the 1990s. This meant more relaxed attire: no more suits, ties, pantyhose, etc. Unfortunately, many business people have also adopted a business-casual attitude in their business communications.

Everyone could benefit from a lesson (or two!) in “netiquette” or how to communicate professionally in a business environment using tools like email, instant messaging programs, text messaging, etc.

Technology has made communication a very different medium than it was just five years ago. We are all so busy that we send quick messages, sometimes completely forgetting to use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. While this is acceptable with friends, it is not in a professional setting.

Email is often the first communication one has with a potential customer or business partner. It remains very true that first impressions are the most important. If you had a meeting with someone whose clothes were dirty and torn, had messy hair, and provided you with inaccurate product information, you probably wouldn’t end up doing business with that person. Yet every day, this same “carelessness” shows up in business communications.

Take this example: “Per your request, I am submitting our current information. In my humble opinion, we have the best products on the market.” Wow, I would really like to do business with this person, wouldn’t I? Are they selling fruits and vegetables or did they write the wrong product?

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar count. Most email programs have the ability to verify these items. The little wavy underlines aren’t there for fun! They are pointing out an error. Don’t ignore them. Also, don’t be in such a rush to send your message that you don’t read it again quickly. (Don’t get me started on people who text while driving!) Once you hit send, there’s no way to correct your message, so take the time to make sure it’s really what you mean before to send it.

While you may think you’re being funny, remember that there’s absolutely no way for the recipient to know the “tone” you intended for your message. You may think that you are being short and succinct, while they will think that you are being abrupt and rude. Of course, many people now use “emoticons” to try to convey emotion. It’s okay to send a smiley or winking face when the recipient is your friend; however, it is not okay when you communicate with a CEO. After all, you wouldn’t send a handwritten note to a CEO with all the “dots” in their “i’s” as smileys or hearts, would you?

The only thing worse than emoticons is “internet slang”, that is, shorthand for many words. While pretty much everyone knows what “FYI” means, what about AFAIK and NOOB? Just as you shouldn’t use an acronym unless you’re absolutely sure the recipient knows what they mean, don’t use Internet slang either.

When we communicated with our friends when we were young, we wrote: “How are you? I’m fine.” We have all forgotten this basic courtesy. While we don’t want to be that simple, it’s much better to say, “It was nice meeting you yesterday. I enjoyed learning about your business, and as you requested, I’m sending you current information on our products. We’ll follow up with you in a couple of days.” to answer any questions you may have. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced business world, the most typical communication is “Here’s the info. Call me if you have any questions.” While they are both essentially saying the same thing, who would you rather do business with, especially if this was the first communication you had with the person about your company and your product?

When you really want to impress someone, the best way is to take the time to write them an actual note or letter that you put in an envelope, stamp, and mail, rather than sending a quick email. It doesn’t matter that your calligraphy is not perfect. The important thing is that you really took the time to send them a personalized communication. We all loved receiving cards and letters when we were young and I think the same is true today. On top of anything else, a personal communication sets you apart from everyone else who just sends quick emails and texts.

No matter what form of communication you use, remember that when you take the time to make sure it’s correct, you’re showing a certain level of respect for your recipient. How important are they to you and your business?

FYI – AFAIK means “as far as I know” and NOOB means “someone who is new”.

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