Can you skip the lean and green food on Medifast?

I get a lot of questions about medifast “lean and green food”. If you’re not familiar with this, it’s the largest meal you prepare each day while on this diet. You can eat five prepackaged meals a day that you really just have to prepare. But, the “lean and green” does require a bit of food prep. However, you can also do this very simply. The only real requirement is that you have 5 to 7 ounces of lean protein and three servings of vegetables. You can achieve this in any way you want.

Still, people often write to me and ask if they can skip the lean and green meal or have a prepackaged meal instead. In other words, they would be eating six “medifast meals” while giving up the lean and green. I will tell you what I think about this practice in the following article.

Why Most People Consider Skipping Their Lean and Green: I find that most people want to skip this because they think it will allow them to lose weight faster. Approximately each prepackaged meal has about 100 calories each. Obviously very few home cooked meals will meet this criteria, whether “lean” or not. So if you’ve eaten your 5 prepared meals, you only have 500 calories for the entire day. People decide they don’t want to ruin this hard work by eating a bigger meal. I understand this thinking, but I know for a fact that it’s flawed because I experimented a lot with cutting it and it backfired on me.

Why I think you should NOT skip it: My experience: This is what most people don’t understand. The calories for this main meal are already built into the program. This diet is designed so that you eat around 1,200 calories per day. This is an acceptable low amount by most standards. Having 500 calories before this gives you a lot of leeway with your main meal. Even if you take some liberties, you will often still be in the 1200 -1300 range unless you simply don’t follow the guidelines.

Understanding that ketosis requires regular meals: Medifast works because ketosis works. Since you’re eating a low amount of calories and a high amount of protein, your body is forced to burn fat instead of carbs. But you’ll slow down this process if you don’t give your body the fuel it needs to do its job. If you see the big loser, you know Jillian annoys the contestants when they don’t eat enough. The same will happen if you start skipping meals. I know for sure from personal experience.

So don’t kid yourself. You really don’t need to. I truly believe that if you eat regularly within reason, you will get better results. And, lean and green are beneficial not only in terms of keeping your metabolism going, but also in terms of teaching you how to plan and prepare healthy meals. You will need it later when you go to the maintenance phase of the plan.

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