Colon Cleanse – Probiotics – Psoriasis – Day 15

Bugs, bugs and more bugs. The concept I’m still having a hard time getting used to is the fact that there are so many creatures using me as a host. This could be the result of all those sci-fi movies where a monster comes out of the human’s chest. Either way, they are there and for the most part they are very beneficial to you.

But what about the bad guys we refer to as parasites? Although technically all of our bacteria are parasites, I’ll use the term to refer to the “bad guys” because it evokes feelings of something unwanted and dangerous. You should now be wondering what they are, how they got into me and how do I get rid of them.

Since the characteristics of parasites and the problems they create are not easy to detect, it is often difficult to determine if a parasite is inside you. Like medical school students who often think they have the same disease they are studying, you too may believe you have parasites just by reading this series of articles. There is some truth to this because we have all experienced occasional parasite-like sensations.

It’s when those symptoms become more acute and/or more frequent that you want to be concerned. Get to know your body and watch for changes. It’s normal to be itchy, but it’s not normal to be itchy all the time. The same could be said for diarrhea and constipation or depression and anxiety. You need to be aware of malfunctions rather than simple failures.

Because there are so many types of parasites, it’s hard to generalize about treatments; but there are some common threads. What we know for sure about all of them is that they are (creepy, huh) creatures that depend on the host and remove nutrients from our bodies. Second, the damage caused by the parasites is so dramatic that the cure not only involves getting rid of the insect, but also requires that the affected organs have time to recover.

We know that there is a fundamental difference between parasites and bad bacteria. Therefore, I am going to share a natural cure with you in this article instead of waiting to include it in the one I will write entitled “How to do a cleanse.” At a health food or nutrition store, you should be able to find powdered Black Walnut and Wormwood, both of which will kill the adult population. Mix them with some powdered cloves, which will kill the eggs. Then eat pumpkin seeds and garlic in your daily diet to prevent reinfestation.

In my article “Colon Cleanse; Probiotics; Psoriasis Day 8” I introduced you to tapeworms, roundworms, pinworms, and whipworms. All these bugs usually get inside you through contaminated food and water. For my part, I really enjoy traveling to exotic parts of the world, and I usually explore some of the more secluded places when I do so. In all likelihood, I will continue this practice because it’s the way you can really get a flavor by region.

My advice to you and me is to be more diligent when traveling not only abroad, but also in this country. I was told on more than one occasion when I went to Mexico that it was perfectly fine for the locals to eat at the stalls set up by street vendors; but that you should never try to do the same. The reasoning was that the local population has some form of acquired immunity to the bacteria, while people in other countries probably do not.

Day 15 of my colon cleanse: Not much to report, but maybe that’s a good thing. Right now I am debating whether to stop at 30 days or continue for 60 or 90.

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