Dog training instructions to educate a puppy

You have brought home your new puppy, everything is ready but there is still one thing left to do… where will he eliminate? Training a puppy is simple, if you remain patient. One thing you should always keep in mind is that puppies will learn and master a new behavior faster if they take their commands directly from you, their owner.

Where the puppy is supposed to relieve himself should be a simple lesson that is taught to your puppy immediately when he is taken to his new home. To make housetraining easy and less tedious, you should do what most dog owners do, teaching new puppies to eliminate on their puppy pads. Therefore, you should make sure you have a good supply of puppy pads at home before you bring your pup home. Once the puppy arrives, make sure the puppy pads are placed in the strategic areas where you expect the puppy to be eliminated, take your puppy directly to the pad, let him sit on the pad, and praise him for it. Let him sniff the pad and take in the scent of it so he can get a positive association with the puppy pad. Make sure the pup stays on the platform long enough to learn the strategic location of it.

The first step involved in training a puppy using a puppy pad is teaching him what you want him to do on the pad and then helping him understand how to do it each time. When doing this, he must use positive reinforcement. He must also learn to read cues, such as when your pup needs to use the bathroom; common signs include frequent rolling over or sniffing. When your puppy displays such behaviors, or every morning after he drinks or eats his breakfast, you should take him to the pad, place him on the pad, and wait for him to relieve himself. The first time he eliminates there, and every other time after, you should shower him with praise as if he just did the most amazing thing in the world.

It should be noted that even with the ease of using a puppy pad to potty train your pup, accidents sometimes happen. It is how you handle the accident that will determine how far you will go with your home training efforts. So, when your pup goes potty on her somewhere unintended, give her a firm “no” and take her directly to the pad during the act. Once on the pad and he continues to eliminate, shower him with praise so that you don’t communicate a negative bond with the pad that could make him afraid of you. Be sure to always communicate a consistent message whenever you are house training your pup and he will soon learn that eliminating on the pad is the correct way to do it. Always encourage him to repeat it over and over again and in no time you will be able to house train your puppy.

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