English Mastiff Breeders – 4 Questions to Ask Them

You are ready to add a Mastiff to your family and would really like to see this happen as soon as possible; as painless as possible. I’ll be honest; If you really want an exceptional Mastiff, it may take a little more to find a quality English Mastiff breeder first. Once you do, you’ll be guaranteed a high-quality, healthy Mastiff companion for years to come.

If you search the web you will find many self-proclaimed mastiff breeders, but are they really worth it? It’s nice to have a variety of breeders to choose from, but you should rule out armor masters, so here are some tips to get you started.

1. Ask the breeder how long they have been breeding Mastiffs

Experience is a good indicator of the breeder’s dedication to the English Mastiff. He is looking for someone who has at least five years of experience; the more, the better.

2. What other breeds do you breed?

If an English Mastiff breeder is serious about the breed, they will specialize. A red flag should be raised if the breeder is breeding more than three different breeds. The more specialized, the better in this case.

3. Ask the breeder about the quality of the mastiffs they breed, whether they are show quality or just for pets

You are looking for a quality pet, but this does not necessarily mean “show quality”, it could simply mean that the Mastiff must come from a long line of high genetics and the best breeding standards. Any show-quality dog ​​will have offspring that do not meet the “show-quality” cutoff; this question will clarify the true objective behind the breeding.

4. Ask them about the bloodline and history of any genetic diseases.

Each breed is prone to certain genetically transmitted diseases, English Mastiffs are no exception. However, good breeders strive to breed the healthiest dogs with desirable traits. If the breeder can talk at length about the bloodline of his Mastiff puppies, then he will know that quality is his goal.

This interview can be done over the phone in 10 minutes or less. After several calls to different breeders, you should be able to list the ones you want to follow up with in person and the so called English Mastiff breeders that just don’t cut it.

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