Get Popular – How to Position Yourself as a Leader

Leaders have a certain charisma that makes people follow them. If you want to become more popular at school, being a great leader can increase your popularity overnight. Being a leader, by definition, means that you are more popular than your followers. This is because in any social setting, the leader gets all the attention.

Often when people ask how to become a leader, I get answers like: “Join a club…” or “Cheer up…” If you lack basic social skills, this little bit of advice won’t cut it. . You don’t need a degree to become a leader. What you need is leadership skills.

People in general are not sure of themselves and desperately seek to be led. But despite this, the people want a leader who is strong and benevolent. Too often, people try to boss others around, and this only breeds resentment. A good leader is a master of charm and flattery. If you know how to make someone feel good about themselves, they will follow you with ardent loyalty.

My number one technique for getting people to follow me is to see the potential in other people that even they can’t see in themselves. When you do this, they will want to do anything to live up to the expectations you place on them. Give them a good reputation to live on.

Brian Tracy is a self-help mogul, whom I greatly admire. He has profoundly influenced me in the concept of expecting the best from others.

On his show, “The Psychology of Achievement.” He emphasizes with scientific research, that you live up to the expectations that other people have for you, no matter how high or low they are.

Everyone else tells them they’re worthless… mediocre at best. Most people never dare to claim their own greatness. If you help someone to be the best they can be, you will earn their loyalty permanently.

When you do, make sure it’s coming from a place of sincerity. I happen to believe that most people can do ten times what they think they are capable of. So when I tell someone that I see their potential, I mean it.

As an action step, for the next 5 days, compliment 3 people each day. When you do, try to discover their inner potential and tell them you see it. Give them a good reputation to live on. At the end of 5 days, you will have 15 people who should be heavily in your debt. They will be very willing to help you do anything you ask of them, as long as you help them live up to the reputation you gave them.

When this happens, invite everyone to a party or gathering. As a bonus, tell everyone to bring a friend. You can literally become popular overnight.

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