Golden Lightning Labs and Golden Retrievers are good for your health!

Owning, caring for and including a Labrador or golden retriever in your family can keep the whole family healthy, according to scientific studies.

Owning a Golden Lightning Lab or Golden Retriever has many benefits, and one of the most important is… they are good for your health, good for your family, and good for your soul.

They don’t make you healthier just because you get more exercise walking than you would if your dog wasn’t in your life. There is a whole human-dog-mind-body-soul connection between you and your dog. It’s deeper than just fellowship. Although the company of a Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever can not be better!

Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers have a wonderful habit of spreading their love and affection, and of course their love is unconditional…the best kind of pure love. Their love, affection and perpetual happiness is definitely contagious. They improve our well-being, they help us deal better with stress by helping us to relax, they make us happy. They teach us to live in the moment, something that many of us today have a hard time doing.

They improve ties within the family and help us connect with new people outside of the family. They are great ice breakers and help us meet other people we might never have met if it wasn’t for our dog.

Dogs improve our health, studies have shown. They lower blood pressure and cholesterol, generate healthy T-cells in our bodies, and improve our mental state, which translates into better physical health.

People who have dogs have less depression and have to see their doctors less often than those who don’t have dogs. Children who grow up in a family with a dog are reported to develop more loving personalities and have higher self-esteem.

Our Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers enhance us as human beings…mentally, emotionally and physically…what could be better!

Labs and Goldens lift our spirits, help us connect with nature, and make us feel loved.

Dogs can help us heal from hurt, loss, and exhaustion. They can help us feel complete.

Owning a Golden Lightning Lab, whether it’s white, yellow, or black, or a white Golden Lightning Golden Retriever can really make you a happier, healthier human being…it’s official!

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