Hair diseases that cause hair loss

Hair diseases and hair loss are interrelated. You can’t think of one without the other.

Common causes of hair loss

No single factor can be singled out as the universal cause of hair disease. There are several causes that vary from person to person.

The two types of hair loss diseases

The causes of hair loss can be broadly divided into the following two groups:

The temporary effect and the long-acting one, generally triggered by genetics.

a.) The temporary effect: These cases can usually be cured with medications and treatments.

b.) Prolonged hair loss diseases: these cases may require long-term treatment. Sometimes drug treatment may seem ineffective. In such circumstances, surgery like hair transplantation may be the way.

Causes of temporary hair loss include such as childbirth, use of birth control pills, etc.

Another key factor can be hormonal imbalance. It can have a severe impact by causing pattern baldness. The latter is on the list of the main hair diseases.

Relationship between hair diseases and hair loss.

Sometimes a particular cause of hair loss is found to be more commonly related to a particular hair disease. In this context, reference can be made to acquired hair shaft defects. These defects are often caused by the overuse of hair treatments and styling products.

Similarly, infectious diseases are rooted in unsanitary scalp.

Common causes of hair loss diseases:

Common causes of hair loss diseases include the following:

o Hormonal imbalance

o Ailment

o Poor hair styling

o Inadequate diet

Hormonal imbalance

In men: hormonal imbalance is one of the main causes of> hair loss diseases among men. The male hormone testosterone plays a key role in triggering hair loss. The 5 alpha reductase enzyme in hair follicles converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The latter is the most potent androgen that promotes male pattern baldness, the common hair loss disease.

In women: Thyroid hormone imbalance is one of the main causes of sudden hair loss among women. An overactive and underactive thyroid gland can lead to hair loss. Thyroid hormones greatly influence the cellular metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and minerals in the scalp. And the cells of the hair matrix are greatly affected by excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones.

Hormonal imbalance also causes hair loss during pregnancy. Pregnancy witnesses a high level of estrogenic hormones. This causes the percentage of hair follicles in the anagen growth phase. But after delivery there is a rapid drop in the level of estrogen. Consequently, a large number of hair follicles go into a catagen phase. And little by little the hair falls out.

Women can also experience hair loss during the post-pregnancy period. It is generally temporary in nature. But if it continues for months, it can indicate a hormonal imbalance in the body. And hormonal imbalance for a long period requires proper treatment.


Some of the serous ailments, such as high fever, severe infection, or flu, can bring the hair follicles into a resting phase. This condition called telogen effluvium causes increased hair loss. But it is a temporary condition that will soon be followed by normality.

Some cancer treatments also prevent hair fiber growth. Hair thins and falls off. And little by little hair loss occurs. The condition begins within one to three weeks after chemotherapy treatment begins. Treatment can witness patients lose up to 90 percent of the hair on the scalp.

Faulty hair styling

It means using certain hair styling techniques that result in hair loss diseases like traction alopecia. In this condition, the hair fibers are extracted from the hair follicle by combing that pulls the roots of the hair fibers. An example of this type of faulty hairstyle is braiding or plowing. Cosmetic treatments such as hair bleaching, coloring or straightening, such as chemical relaxation, can also create problems if the proper procedure is not followed.

Improper diet

Adopting intense diets to lose weight quickly can lead to hair loss. These diets are low in protein, vitamins, and minerals, leading to malnutrition.

Abnormal eating habits that lack important nutrients can also lead to hair loss.

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