Helpful Tips to Maintain Your Weight Loss Resolution

Are you one of those people who made a New Years resolution to lose weight this year? Hopefully, you won’t be one of those people who will also break that weight loss resolution before the year gets too late. In fact, most people who are going to break their weight loss resolutions do so on the first day at some point or another.

So what hope do you have if you plan to eat healthier during the New Year? If you’ve resolved that this year you are going to take positive steps to reduce your weight and improve your overall health, start now instead of putting it off until tomorrow or until you’ve emptied delicious food from your closet. What you need are some helpful tips to stay on track, so get a glimpse of a healthier person and be inspired.

Reduce the size of your food portions.

  • Start the year by slowly reducing your portion sizes.
  • Eating the right portions reduces the risk of overeating and feeling bloated or full later on.
  • Make fresh vegetables the bulk of your meal
  • Get used to the idea that meat shouldn’t take up most of your plate
  • Train your brain to make dessert a rare treat, not the anticipated end of every meal.
  • Try to leave the table wanting a bit more (not hungry, but definitely not crowded). This will help train your stomach to save smaller food portions.

Choose low-fat cooking methods

  • High-fat cooking methods are out of the question, so stop frying. The frying process adds simple carbohydrates and fats to your cooking.
  • However, fats should always be in moderation, so save them for treats.
  • Reserve fats for fun foods and rewards instead of wasting them on fuel that’s just meant to get you through the day.
  • Experiment with seasonings that contain little or no calories. Herbs and seasonings keep healthy cooking from being bland so your new healthy meals won’t be boring to eat.
  • Try switching to more complex carbohydrates that are healthier to consume and provide sustained energy.

Eat smaller meals instead of one large meal, and carry those food ethics with you for the rest of the year for optimal results. Food is the fuel your body needs to function properly. The bad news is that many of us actually enjoy food to the point where we overindulge, which also prevents the body from digesting food properly. You’ll have to work to figure out the optimal amount of food and calories for your dietary needs, but start with healthy eating one day and follow-up the next. Today is a great day to start a new way of eating. Are you ready?

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