Home remedy for lice or head lice

Before we talk about home lice treatment, let’s go over some simple facts about lice:

1. They are grayish white.

2. The eggs are attached to your hair, about a quarter inch from the head.

3. Eggs hatch 7 days after being laid, so prompt treatment is necessary.

4. They look best at the nape of the neck and over the ears in the hair.

5. Lice don’t jump, they crawl.

6. You “catch” head lice by having head-to-head or body-to-body contact with someone who has them.

7. They can’t get it from animals, they’re fleas.

8. They will not survive more than 3 days on your furniture or carpets.

9. All 3 types of lice (nits, nymphs, and adults) can be transferred while in close sexual proximity.

10. Lice can infest facial hair and eyebrows.

Another important information about head lice is that it doesn’t matter how clean you are. If you somehow come into contact with head lice, it is highly possible that you will become infested with them, regardless of your personal hygiene. Also, to protect yourself from getting lice, you should not use other people’s personal products, especially a brush, comb, hair accessory, shower cap, towel, etc. And just because lice die quickly on your carpet or furniture doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get them from these sources.

Now that we have discussed some facts about head lice, let’s see how to get rid of them:

1. Mayonnaise: apply to hair and allow to soak, apply heat, such as a hair dryer

2. Rubbing alcohol: apply to soaked hair for 10-20 minutes and repeat after one week

3. Vinegar- Wash your hair with vinegar, it kills lice eggs,

4. Shave your head: This is the least attractive for most people, since you would have to be bald.

5. Wet Combing: Apply conditioner and use a lice comb to comb out lice, every other day until lice free for at least 2 treatments in a row.

There’s more, too: tea tree oil, baby oil, petroleum jelly, skin so soft, and zinc in vitamin form.

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