How can you grow taller with exercise? Three exercises to use

One of the the fastest ways to gain 2-3 inches in height in just 6 weeks is exercise. Aerobic exercises such as sprinting, cycling, and swimming increase the body’s production of growth hormones. Another reason is that it helps build stronger back and abdominal muscles, which reduce compression of the spinal discs. This creates stronger cartilage in your spine, which in turn increases your height! In addition to aerobic exercises, you can stretch to help your spine reach its total length:

1. Pelvic shift: This simple exercise is performed lying on your back, with your shoulders and arms on the ground, with your knees bent. Bring your feet closer to your buttocks and arch your back, pushing your pelvis up. Hold this for 20-30 seconds. Do this several times and you will feel your front hips stretch. This lengthens the spine and helps work the abdominal muscles.

2. Hanging:Hanging does exactly what you think it does: it stretches your spine. During the day, gravity compresses your spine, which compresses your spinal discs and makes you appear shorter. Stretching reverses this effect and helps the spine expand. Hang from a horizontal bar that is high enough for you to fully extend your body. If you don’t have a high enough bar, you can simply bend your knees until you can hang freely.

3. Alternate Leg Kick (Dry Land Swim): Lie on your stomach, with your body fully extended. With both arms extended in front of you, raise your left arm higher than your right arm and, keeping your legs straight, raise your right leg higher than your left leg. Repeat with the other side of your body. Work to hold this position for 20 seconds. It will be difficult at first, so try to hold it for 4 seconds at a time. Using ankle and wrist weights will make it more challenging and further tone your lower back muscles.

That’s it for today’s lesson, and with these exercises, you too can start a good exercise routine to help you expand your spine and grow taller. If you are concerned about the safety of these activities, check with your doctor to see if your body can handle them.

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