How to conceive a girl?

Girls are the best creations. They grow up to be lovely women, loving daughters, and loving mothers. They are the other half of the human race. They are great advice givers and not just sweethearts. They are no longer the weaker sex.

Grace defines her, and she will always be there for you.

Dad and mom, make her room to measure, she likes it to be well arranged.

Here are some steps to start naming her and calling her your daughter.

The father decides the sex of his son and XX makes him a female. The female genetic code that carries sperm called genosperms is larger and slower than its male counterpart, androsperms; like long distance runners.

So, to create a girl, the sperm must be released quite far from the egg, so that the androsperms are lost and only the genosperms remain. Furthermore, if intercourse takes place on the 12th or 13th day of the menstrual cycle, the genosperms only survive as the androsperms die in that environment, thus ensuring a female baby.

If sexual intercourse takes place regularly, the androsperm/genosperm ratio decreases, that is, the genosperms increase and result in a girl.

The female genetic code that carries sperm or genosperm survives better in acidic environments, so to ensure you have a girl, use vinegar while having sex.

In test tube fertilization or in vivo fertilization, to increase the chance that the formed baby will be a girl, the glucose content must be reduced in the nutrient medium; otherwise, a higher glucose concentration will reduce the chance of a girl being born.

Eating habits also play a very important role in determining gender. While potassium and iron increase the chances of having a boy, magnesium and calcium increase the chances of having a girl; studies have shown. But for this dietary practice to be effective, preparations must be made well in advance, a year and a half before the actual planning of the baby. And the only sacrifice you have to make is to reduce the consumption of potatoes, so that your child will be a girl. The mineral content in the mother’s blood also plays an important role in whether the child is a girl or a boy.

Soft-spoken, docile, and always adaptable mothers have a better chance of having a girl, as it suggests that androgens don’t surround their eggs very much. It’s strange, isn’t it? How could a female body have androgens? Well, androgens or male hormones are secreted by the kidneys in both men and women. This is hormonal regulation to create the way for a girl to be conceived.

Are there already pink and red clothes waiting for her, mom?

Will you have a doll or a bicycle for your fifth birthday present, Dad?

I bet your college funds are already set aside.

Be the proud parents of your little girl. She loves You.

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