How to Get Sponsorship: Quickly Get Funding for Your Business or Event by Discovering Your Own Values

I would eventually go to work with amazing companies and for sure million dollars in sponsorship BUT When I started sponsorship, there were a lot of things I didn’t know.

I remember thinking things like “we just need one more sponsor to hit our budget” or “what’s the fastest way to get a sponsor”. they were not sustainable or renewable sponsorships and that led me to work harder each year to constantly find new sponsors.

Whether you’re learning how to get your first sponsor, how to get sponsorship from more brands, how to get sponsors to renew, or how to get a sponsor to say “yes” in the first place…

There are things I recommend knowing. The first thing I would recommend is knowing and understanding the values ​​of your organization, for-profit or non-profit.

When thinking of being sponsored, it can be tempting to appeal to anyone who might sponsor you or your property.

– but before you do, take a moment to make sure this sponsorship relationship is a long-lasting one. Don’t get lucky with sponsorships, be smart.

First, consider the core values ​​of your organization. Make a complete list and compare it with the values ​​of the potential sponsor.

You can often find the values ​​or guiding principles of a brand on their website. Once you find them, make sure they match! You know, kind of like a dating profile. You want to see some common interest, right?

For example, don’t ask a major alcohol brand (or any) to sponsor a convention for people who want to quit drinking alcohol.

Make sense? This may seem obvious, but it gets more complicated as we learn to realize that a sponsor is primarily interested in their message AND their audience, as well as the ROI and value they get.

Think of sponsorship like a marriage and build it to last.

Finding a company that shares a mindset and values ​​with you will help you achieve common goals faster as a team. Think about the audience you attract. Is it a crowd that would be interested in your sponsor’s product or service? If not, then you have to do some more research and you can probably find a better combination.

Remember, finding the right sponsors means being able to count on them supporting you year after year.

The less you have to chase after money, the more you can help people and that’s really what it’s all about!

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