How to stop puppy barking: finally some peace

Barking is a natural method of communication for dogs and wolves in the wild. It is important to remember that dogs were once wild and were domesticated by humans as pets millennia ago. When we begin the process of stopping a puppy from barking, we must remember that we are modifying an innate behavior that is part of the puppy’s DNA.

Understanding that puppies bark is natural, it doesn’t make it acceptable to just let one puppy disrupt the entire house with constant noise. Instead, stopping puppy barking methods should include a behavior modification process that takes into account the reasons puppies bark.

Very young cubs make a meowing sound when searching for food or warmth. If the pup is hurt or frustrated, he will make louder crying sounds. As pups get older, they begin to bark for various reasons: alert/warning barks, attention-seeking barks, play/excitement barks, self-identification barks, boredom barks, loneliness/anxiety barks.

As you can see, there are many reasons for barking and it is your job to stop puppy barking to determine why your puppy is barking excessively. If you want to control your puppy’s barking, you need to let him know that he is in control and that he should look to you for his own behavioral cues.

Some of the theories put forward as methods to stop puppy barking are:

1) Don’t yell “No” at your pup. He’ll think you’re joining in on the barking too.

2) Be consistent. Use a word like “enough” all the time to express disdain for barking.

3) Be patient. Changing barking behavior is a long-term process.

4) Reward your pup for good behavior. Positive reinforcement trumps punishment.

5) Do not hug your dog or play with his barking. This only reinforces more barking.

6) Control the situation. Use short 5-10 minute practice sessions as training.

7) Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you think your puppy’s barking is severe separation anxiety.

Excessive barking by puppies can drive some people and their neighbors crazy. Don’t discount the stress this type of behavior puts on you and your family. You need to make a concerted effort to control the barking so that there is finally some peace in your home again.

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