How to Write an Article in 15 Minutes or Less – Including Research and Proofreading

If you are a writer, you need to write articles.

A writer needs to write articles to promote their work no matter what type of writing they do.

But is it possible to write an article in just 15 minutes or less? It is if you have the right formula for writing articles and the right system to work fast.

And the following are the 3 things you need if you want to write articles fast.

1. Structure of the article. Keep your article simple. Each article you write must solve a single problem; otherwise it becomes too long and full. If you want to solve more than one problem for the reader, write a series of articles.

The body of your article should follow a simple outline:

  • Opening

  • 3 hand points

  • conclusion

First, find the top 3 points you want to discuss. Write an opening paragraph that introduces your topic and may include a brief mention of the 3 main points you will discuss. Then write your top 3 points either as a list or in story form.

Then wrap it all up with a final paragraph.

This structure follows a well-known rule for writing an article that is easy to understand:

  • Say what you’re going to say

  • Say it

  • say what you said

So if you have an opening paragraph followed by your main topic and then a concluding paragraph, you have followed this rule of thumb to make your article easy to read.

2. Time. You won’t be faster unless you take your time. Allow only 2-3 minutes to research and write a quick summary, 10-11 minutes to write the article, and 2 minutes to read and make any necessary corrections.

But don’t waste time. Do it all fast.

3. Practice. You won’t be fast right away. Take time and practice. But if you practice every day, then there is no reason why you can’t write articles in 15 minutes in just one week.

The important thing is to try it. Don’t think you can’t do it because you can.

You simply have to research, summarize, and write your articles quickly, time yourself each time you write an article, and practice writing multiple articles a day.

And in just one week, you will be able to write articles quickly.

And it’s not just articles. You can quickly write blog posts, emails, autoresponder sequences, and more.

In fact, your article writing speed will flow into all of your other writing as well.

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