Hydrogen Generator/HHO Kit – Does it increase fuel consumption?

A hydrogen generator installed in your car will help you increase fuel consumption. It does this by making the gasoline that is already in your tank work more efficiently. A bonus for you is that your car’s warranty remains good, due to the fact that no changes were made to the engine, just an add-on. Instead, a hydrogen generator uses your battery to create hydrogen, or brown gas, as some people call it. This blend of hydrogen and regular gasoline burns cleaner, longer, and is also safer for your family and the environment.

The process is surprising but simple. Using a small amount of electrical current from your car battery, water molecules are separated inside a hydrogen generator, reducing water into its component parts, oxygen and hydrogen. That hydrogen is known as brown gas or Brown’s gas. When combined with gasoline, it improves combustion (or burning) dramatically. That combustion is the process that moves the pistons up and down and makes the car run. When more fuel is burned inside the combustion chamber, there are a number of positive results.

Horsepower and performance soar

One is that more of the gas you buy is used (or burned), not expelled through your exhaust system. This has a huge impact on fuel economy, up to 60%. It also means your engine will feel much more powerful. Power and performance will skyrocket. The brown gas created in your hydrogen generator also makes your engine run smoother, quieter, and shift easier. Water inside the combustion chamber is the cause.

The hydrogen generator also has an impact on the environment. The water helps your engine run cooler and CO2 emissions are dramatically reduced. Your car begins to help the environment by adding oxygen, instead of adding carbon dioxide and other toxic by-products.

Finally, brown gas not only improves fuel economy and emissions. It is also a safer substance for your family. Since the brown gas created by your hydrogen generator is part hydrogen, it is fifteen times lighter than air and disperses through the air more quickly. Where fuel and heavy fuel vapors will remain on the ground, a flammable hazard, hydrogen disappears harmlessly into the atmosphere. Hydrogen is also completely non-toxic; Gasoline and diesel fuel and vapors are notoriously toxic to humans and all animals.

No drawbacks, only benefits

There are very few downsides to adding a hydrogen generator to your car and more benefits than you can count. For example, there are even tax credits available in some states to encourage you to install a system to produce brown gas. We are all more concerned about fuel economy as the price of gasoline has reached higher levels than ever before. Also, when we as a country increase miles per gallon, we are decreasing our dependence on oil and foreign oil producers. Creating a more energy efficient lifestyle is a patriotic thing to do.

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