Is TLSO Scoliosis Brace Effective?

When it comes to treating spinal conditions like Scoliosis, the chosen part of treatment plays an important role. Current treatment strategies involve a combination of medication and traditional methods such as physical therapy, exercise, and wearing a TLSO scoliosis brace. A TLSO back brace for scoliosis is very effective and is widely used by patients to hold and correct spine conditions.

In this blog, we will discuss, how a TLSO scoliosis brace is useful for correcting the spine position. Before that, it’s important to understand what is scoliosis.

What Is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a spinal condition that refers to sideways curvature of the spine, often appearing like an ‘S’ or ‘C’. It can occur at any stage of life, however, it is often diagnosed in childhood or early adolescence. The abnormal curvature of the spine gives the impression that the person is leaning on one side.

Symptoms of Scoliosis

The symptoms of scoliosis include:

  • A visibly curved spine
  • Difference between shoulder height, one side higher than other
    The difference in hip position
  • Ribs sticking out on one side

What Is A TLSO Brace?

A TLSO – thoracolumbosacral orthosis – brace is designed to use in the area where thoracic and lumbar parts meet. These braces are very effective for people who are diagnosed with a spinal disorder, or deformity or to treat any other problem that requires structural support. Along with scoliosis, a TLSO back brace for sciatica, herniated disc, and Kyphosis is also used by patients for quick recovery.

TLSO Scoliosis Brace

A TLSO scoliosis brace is a corset in style and is often made up of rigid plastic. It is used to put pressure on the unnatural curves that a patient might have, focused on the mid-to-lower part to stabilize the lateral bends present in spine curvature. Many patients who have used TLSO scoliosis brace have seen significant improvement as the progression in the spine curvature slowed down after some time.

The most common TLSO scoliosis brace used is the Boston brace. It is designed in a way that it wraps around the lower back and hips section and must be worn for 18-23 hours a day. It slows down the growth to prevent further sideway growth of the curvature.

However, it can be uncomfortable to wear all day long, especially for children. When purchasing a TLSO scoliosis brace, make sure it is not too tight, otherwise, it may affect lung affection.

How To Wear A TLSO Scoliosis Brace?

While using a TLSO brace for scoliosis, make sure the brace pads are below your ribs, above your hips and your spine is centered in the brace.

Wearing a TLSO scoliosis brace for a long time can cause irritation to the skin. Therefore, it’s important that you clean the brace area regularly to avoid any allergies or infections.

Do you need a TLSO back brace for scoliosis? You can get it from an authentic Medicare-approved supplier such as Daphco. If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, you can get the brace at a minimal cost. 

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