Lesbian Dating – Flirting Tips for Lesbians

As a lesbian, it can be difficult to flirt with other women, especially if you don’t know their sexual orientation yet. It’s important to remember that flirting is an art; and a two-way game. It involves the ability to read the interests and comfort of your object of desire in order to know what to do next. If you already know her sexual orientation and instinctively feel that she is just as attracted to you, you can openly flirt with her. However, you may want to keep it subtle if you are unsure of her feelings.

When you go out together, sit close to her and see if she moves closer or further away, to see if she’s open to the possibilities. Always look her in the eye when you talk to her, and hold her gaze for longer than you would with a platonic partner. Show chivalry by opening her door and taking her seat in the restaurant and see how she reacts.

Place your hand gently over hers to see if she will push it away. Compliment her on how she looks, her outfit, and her hairstyle. Confess to her that he had been thinking about her when they were not together. Make her laugh as laughter is not only a great ice breaker but it is also a proven aphrodisiac. Offer to get her a drink for her while she’s at a bar or club, and gently touch her hand or shoulder as you give her the drink.

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