Lice: You’ll never look at trying on hats the same way again

So you see that cool rack of hats at your local big box retailer and they look so inviting. These racks usually have bright multicolored hats and a variety of styles and there always seems to be a mirror handy for you to try them on.

A marketing company interested in the growth of head lice infestations could not find a more effective way to spread these blood-sucking parasites. While all of those hats may look appealing, the fact is, you don’t know who’s tried them on before you. Although the chances of getting head lice or a case of louse from a hat in a store are small, it is nonetheless a risk.

Lice can live for several days on an inanimate object such as a hat, scarf, or hairbrush. This means that if a person with a lice infestation tries on those hats, the chance of getting lice from wearing those same hats is very great.

Symptoms of lice infestation

* Tingling sensation on the scalp

* A general feeling that your hair may be moving ever so slightly

* Itching caused by lice bites so they can get your blood to eat

Diagnosis of lice infestation

Although small, head lice are easily detected by looking closely at the hair near the scalp. Lice can often be mistaken for dandruff, but they are usually not removed or flaked off. Lice are about the size of half a grain of rice and are whitish-gray in color.

Another thing to look for are nits, which are lice eggs. These will be located very close to the scalp and will look like bumps on individual hair follicles. It is very difficult to remove before treatment.

The best place to check for an infestation is the hair just behind the ear and on the neckline. Simply use a pencil or other wooden implement to move the hair against the natural arrangement. This bends the hair making it easier to see the presence of lice.

How are head lice treated?

There are many treatment options available if you find yourself dealing with head lice. These treatment options include the use of insecticide-based shampoos, natural antiseptic essential oils, and even some strange suggestions that have been posted on the Web. Visit the link below to learn more about the pros and cons of each of these treatment options.

At the very least, you’ll enjoy exploring some of the crazy ideas that some have suggested worked to get rid of lice.

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