MLM Time Management: 5 Strategies To Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Working from home can be a double-edged sword. There are so many reasons to want to work from home, and everyone’s reason is different. However, once he can miss the commute and work from home, he’ll discover that new distractions may arise.

Working from home makes it easy to do, however it is also very easy NOT to do it. The normal distractions of home life can be hard to overcome as you begin to focus on the opportunity at hand. That’s why it’s imperative to have a time management plan that works for you.

Here are 5 MLM time management strategies that will help you stay focused to build a successful home business.

1. Plan your week: First define what your work week will be. Some people choose to work a regular work week of Monday through Friday. Others choose to randomly pick days during the week that fit their family schedule a bit better. Others may even choose to work every day and on weekends. Whatever works for you and your business, plan accordingly. Before your work week begins, take an hour or so the night before and plan out your week. Find out what important items need to be done (including household and family obligations) and write them down. Assign what day of the week these tasks should be done. Then write down other tasks that aren’t pressing, but still need to be done. This way, if you find yourself with a bit of downtime during the week, you can start on these other tasks. Planning your week ahead helps you stay on task and get things done.

2. Block your day: Define times when you will be actively working and times when you can do “cleaning” activities. Do not mix the two together if you can avoid it. While you’re working (this task is different for every business owner) don’t let other distractions come into play. Your time is better spent doing one task at a time. Multitasking can be helpful, but more often than not it can prolong what you are ultimately trying to accomplish. Turn off your email and phone and focus on one specific task at a time. Then, when it’s time, open your email and voicemails and follow up with those who need it. Blocking out your distractions will help in the long run.

3. Find out what tasks pay you: Make sure you spend time on tasks that pay you physically. Many people who work from home make the mistake of spending too much time “getting ready to get ready.” Make sure you spend most of your time on activities that actually generate income for you. One way to keep this in check is to ask yourself from time to time, “Is what I’m doing now really going to pay me back?”

4. Calculate your productivity hours: Everyone is different, which also means everyone works differently. If you’re a morning person, you’ll do better if you start your day with the most important task you need to get done. If it takes you a while to get going in the morning, it’s best to start with less important tasks before tackling the more important ones. Or maybe you’re a night owl who works best when the sun goes down. The benefit of working from home is that you can tailor your work style to suit you. Find out what this is and you will be more productive.

5. Maintain a balance between work and home: The main reasons people want to work from home is because they want to work for themselves and spend more time with their family. The downside of working from home is that there are no physical boundaries between work and home. Sometimes it’s hard to disconnect from work because of this. However, this is something you need to figure out. You need to give yourself permission not to work all the time. There has to be a good balance between work and play. If you find yourself leaning completely to either side, make a plan to balance it out.

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