Pay per click (PPC / AdWords)

PPC, pay per click, AdWords, CPC describe the same online advertising activity. Your text ad appears on the left or at the top of the Google search results page when people search for keywords that are relevant to your business. But what kind of advertising is it and what benefits can it bring to marketers?

  • Running a PPC / AdWords ad campaign on a search engine like Google has the following benefits:
  • Pay per click advertising model (PPC / AdWords)
  • PPC means that (aside from setup and administration fees) you only pay for Google’s media spend when a person clicks on the AdWords ad to your website or landing page.
  • Highly targeted PPC ad campaigns
  • How PPC campaigns can be targeted is best illustrated by a search example.

A person wants to buy a puppy and searches for “puppies for sale” on Google. Natural website listings (search results) and PPC ads appear on Google’s search results page. If the ad or listing sells exactly what they are looking for, they will click on it.

The more relevant your PPC ad is and the copy on your website’s landing page, the more value Google will give your PPC ad and website. (Google’s job is to provide search engines with the most relevant information for each search.) Therefore, based on this, it is important to create more PPC campaigns with a specific theme, for example, if someone only wants puppies in Johannesburg, they will search for “puppies for sale in Johannesburg”. If the title of your PPC ad is “Puppies for Sale Johannesburg”, you will be prioritized for that search.

The more niche you go with your PPC ad campaigns, the better the quality of the lead you will get, for example “Jack Russels for sale in Johanneburg” will only reach people searching for “Jack Russels for sale in Johannesburg”.

PPC / AdWords: highly measurable results

One of the great benefits of online advertising and specifically Google PPC is the detailed reports that you can generate to see the performance of your campaign.

PPC / AdWords reports, along with internal systems that allow you to measure potential customers coming from your website (Google Analytics), will give you a very accurate account of your ROI.

The performance of search and online media is much more transparent than any other advertising medium and gives marketers great insight.

PPC / AdWords: flexible payment options

Not only is Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) model effective in terms of ROI, but the payment structures allow the user to set a daily budget that suits them, pay in advance or at the end of the month, and not there are contracts, so you can cancel your PPC campaign immediately. (Don’t let your PPC / AdWords service provider link you to a contract)

There are no production costs with Google PPC text ads, although a company that specializes in PPC management will charge you for setup and maintenance costs.

You can change your PPC / AdWords campaign in an instant

The other advantage of Google PPC / AdWords campaigns is that if a change to the campaign is required (for example, you need to add a new keyword or ad or if you want to pause an ad that is running because stock is low ) – all these changes can be made in minutes.

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