Precautions That Could Save Your Life

Every day a woman somewhere will be attacked, whether it’s walking home or walking to her car, it happens. Although every situation is different, there are things that all women can do to help themselves, learn to defend themselves, and take precautions. It’s sad to think that we live in a world where women have to watch their backs when running errands, but it’s better to be alert and prepared.

There are steps every woman can take to protect herself. The first step that can be taken safely is to be aware of your surroundings. As my mom has always told me, don’t walk to your car alone at night and if you have to walk alone, make your phone able to dial 911 if necessary, not on social media or texting because it’s a distraction. it can cost you your life. Another tip that my mother always told me was to be aware of the cars around you. For example, if you are walking to your car and the car next to you is running with someone sitting on the passenger side, and you have to get close to that door to get in, don’t do it. Go back inside and have someone join you.

Another step you can take is to change your routine; don’t do the same routine every day. This may seem silly and a bit paranoid, but it’s much easier to follow these steps and then end up being the victim of an assault or worse. I’m not talking about if you have to be at work every day at 8, that some days they are late and some days they are early, because you would lose your job, what I mean is to change the activities that you can control. . For example, I like to walk my dog ​​in the morning, but I don’t usually go at the same time. I like to change the hours that I walk every day, and although it may seem totally paranoid, you never know who might be watching, and if you walk every morning at 7:30, that’s very predictable. It’s scary to think that someone might be watching you when you’re running errands or walking your dog, but it happens. I was followed home in high school, and even though nothing happened, they just put a card and roses on my windshield, what is even scarier is to think that I could have walked outside while he was there and had no idea what to do .

There are self-defense classes in every city, where you can learn the basics of how to protect yourself in these kinds of situations, but the problem is that many women don’t have time to go to a self-defense class between work and their children. While self defense techniques are always good to know, there are other things you can do to make sure you stay safe. All women should carry pepper spray with them, it’s an easy thing to do, and mine just hooks directly onto my keychain. Although it’s not the best use of protection, it might still give you some time to walk away, if necessary. I’ve also heard that stun guns are popular items, although I’ve never owned one, it could be a good item for protection.

One of the best things you can do is trust your instincts, which most of the time people try to ignore. If something doesn’t feel right, or feels funny, you have to trust that instinct because most of the time your instincts turn out to be correct.

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