Reality Creation – Before the Law of Attraction

Based on Thomas Troward THE CREATIVE PROCESS IN THE INDIVIDUAL copyright, 1915

Thomas Troward was the Founder of New Thought and reality creation.

Troward was a major influence on the works of Ernest Holmes, Frederick Bailes, Joseph Murphy, and Emmett Fox, and has been quoted by many other writers. His writing is both slightly archaic and very, very strict, with each sentence logically building on the previous idea. We will do our best to make his thinking on the creation of reality more acceptable to the modern reader.

Reality Creation is exciting because it pushes the boundaries of spiritual belief and quantum physics. This is where the Law of Attraction becomes blood and heartbeat. That is why Ho’oponopono can teach that we all have 100% responsibility and why one person’s cleansing prayer can change another person’s life forever.

reality creation

Thomas Troward teaches that in the beginning Spirit has a Thought that created matter for self-expression and self-recognition. This was the creation of the original reality. In the beginning there was only an intelligent spirit, without time, without movement, without self-awareness and without matter. This original creation established an original polarity between Universal Substance and Universal Spirit. Spirit provides Selection and Movement, energy, and Substance provides matter, the material out of which everything, all of reality, is created.

There are four steps in evolution as the Law of Tendency indicates that the Cosmic Mind tends to be active rather than absorbed in an awareness of being. This activity includes the Law of Polarity which maintains a current flow, a movement, and the Law of Reciprocity which requires a similar movement as a balance, just as the stars maintain their circular motion, so do our atoms. However, the Cosmic Mind, the Source, wanted more than circles and that is why evolution produces more and more progressive steps:

Step One: Rotating Mineral Life

Step Two: Plant Life

Step Three: Animal Life

Fourth Step: Human Life. Selection and initiative are the first principles. The third is for an ever-increasing enjoyment of life.

Step Five: ?

Troward believed that there was a Cosmic Mind that ensures that the Universal Laws are respected. Euclid’s theorem that two things that are equal to each other are equal to each other is what explains the ability of the Cosmic Mind to ensure that what we see is what our neighbor sees. Otherwise, he explains, the wooden planks would arbitrarily change length and it would not be possible to build anything. So, once created, matter tends to remain stable. Beyond these laws that maintain the stability of the Universe, we are all free in all other respects to pursue the creation of reality.

Reality Creation begins with Spirit’s conception or declaration of something, which necessarily brings it into existence! The Law of the Whole and the Law of the Part ensure that we humans are just as capable of manifesting ourselves as the original Spirit of which we are a part. We do this every day. Everything in our lives is a creation of our spiritual mind.

Some argue that abuse and disease are not the creation of the victim.

This is the sticking point for many, we understand. Troward admits that there is the possibility of negativity in the spirit world, which he calls reversals. “An inversion of the Life Principle will transform the current of energy into something poisonous and deadly. The essential condition to receive the Perfect Fullness of Life is to present ourselves before the Eternal Spirit free of all traces of inversion. Before the creation of reality we must present ourselves ourselves in the likeness of the Eternal Ideal. Project into the Eternal Mind the conception of yourself as identical with the Eternal Ideal.”

The qualities of the Substantive Being are Love, Light, Power, Beauty and Joy. The Qualities of Active Power are Initiative and Selection. When we are free of investments, we will not select or initiate any manifestation that does not come from Love, Light, Power, Beauty and Joy. The Buddha said: “To end suffering completely, one must eliminate desire, ill will, and ignorance.” This is the way to clear ourselves of investments to prepare ourselves for the creation of a healthy reality.

Some say that the Force is the perceptual interpretation of the ego, it is the inversion, of Love.

In Conversations with GodGod says that we choose the circumstances of our lives. If that sometimes seems harsh, imagine that we are only partially in this physical world, because we are also always connected to the source. If so, then we can step out of this consciousness at any time, as Jesus could have. We do not speak of his suffering as victimization, but as sacrifice. Try to imagine that we all have this strength and choice, to choose love over strength.


Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian method of clearing and problem solving and is taught by The Foundation of I, Inc. “I” come out of the void into the light… The indefinable atom of creation. “I” am the “I”.

As taught by Dr. Hew Len,

The Void is the foundation of the Self Identity, of the Mind, of the cosmos. It is the precursor state of the infusion of Inspirations of Divine Intelligence into the Subconscious Mind.

All that scientists know is that the cosmos was generated from nothing and will return to nothing from whence it came. The universe begins and ends with zero. (Charles Seiffe, ZERO: The biography of a dangerous idea.)

The reproduction of memories displaces the Void of Self Identity, which prevents the manifestation of Inspirations. To remedy this displacement, to reestablish Self-Identity, memories need to be transformed into emptiness through transmutation by Divine Intelligence.

To clear the unconscious of memories that prevent clarity and connection with Spirit (or Substantive Being and Active Power in Troward’s language) we can consciously request Divine Intelligence to transmute our memories into emptiness. We do this by praying. As Dr. Hew Len explained to Joe Vitale, we start by telling our memories that we love them. We say sorry to the Divine, ask for forgiveness, and then end with a “thank you.”

Troward advocates for Spirit versus Matter and does not discuss levels of consciousness or consciousness. Ho’oponopono, or The Foundation of the “I”, describes the higher mind, which communicates directly with the Divine Spirit and receives information or delivers our requests. The lower or unconscious mind stores the memories and feelings associated with those memories and directs our daily bodily functions. The conscious mind is where we reside in consciousness.


This is a bit strange, because consciousness is the movie we produce. Consciousness is the game we are playing with our friends. Consciousness is the book we “got lost” in, but our higher mind is never separate from Spirit. Our lower mind is continuously monitoring our body and our location in space so we don’t have to worry. If, in the cinema, someone kicks our chair, our lower mind is attentive and can notify our conscious mind if it continues. If, on the highway, someone swerves into our lane, our lower mind will alert our conscious mind, which might be “lost” in some thoughts about an upcoming meeting we are having.

Our conscious mind is full of thoughts, and our unconscious mind is full of our sensory “reality” and memories, and only our higher mind is free to access Divine intelligence.

In a video by Jill Bolte Taylor for TED (, she explains how she experienced the right side of her brain missing the left hemisphere due to a massive stroke. in the left hemisphere. The right side of her was aware of all the energy outside of her body and was not clear about the limits of her body. She was aware of being one with all other beings in the Universe. She took in all the sensory data from touch, hearing, and sight and was in the moment with no thought to the past or future. She was connected and ecstatic as she was in her right brain.

What he lost when he lost his left brain was language. She didn’t realize it until she tried to converse with a colleague and realized that she sounded “like a golden retriever” and that she did too when she tried to respond. She lost her ability to decipher numbers and letters in a meaningful way. She lost her sense of the past and the future. It was her left brain, flickering on and off like a light on a loose wire, that alerted her to seek help.

She didn’t talk about this, but we suspect she lost her reality creation. The Active Power that she selects and initiates seems to be a function of the part of the brain that sees time and progress in a linear and horizontal fashion. This was gone. The right hemisphere resembled the Substantive Being and connected all the Love, Light, Power, Beauty and Joy. This was intact, but the polarity was gone.

And so, without polarity, there is no Creation of Reality.

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