Solar Heated Pools

Spring is in the air, and now would be a good time to think about ways to help the environment. One way to do this, if you have an outdoor pool, is to consider a solar pool heating system. Not only will it save you money, but it will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The system is quite simple to create. The pool provides the thermal storage, so there is no need to purchase anything for this particular aspect. And, the pump that is currently used to filter the water in the pool will also circulate the water through the solar collectors.

pool cover

A pool cover will drastically save on heating costs and will cost, on average, around $120. Not only that, but you will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions that are harmful to our environment. David Boehmer states: “…all other pool heating methods…should only be used in conjunction with a pool cover. Not doing so would be like running the air conditioner in your house during August with the doors and windows open. The system will continue to work, but the operating cost will be up to three times higher.” Visit the US Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website to read estimates of how much it costs to heat a pool with and without a cover.

One of the reasons that pool covers are so effective is due to the loss of water that occurs through evaporation. A pool cover alone can provide up to 50%-70% savings. There are several types of pool covers that you can consider in your purchasing decision. Bubble (or solar) covers are probably the least expensive. However, vinyl covers are made of a thicker material and tend to have a longer life than bubble covers.

As stated, pool covers provide savings on your energy costs. However, they also have the following benefits:

* Conserve water by reducing the amount of make-up water needed by 30%-50%

* Reduce pool chemical consumption by 35%-60%

* Reduce cleaning time by keeping dirt and other debris out of the pool

Solar pool heaters

A solar pool heater can significantly reduce the costs you incur in heating your pool. Not only are they priced similarly to other heating options, but they also have extremely low annual operating costs. When compared in many climates, they actually stand out as the most profitable. These types of pool heaters generally last longer than their gas and heat pump counterparts. With proper maintenance, they can last anywhere from ten to twenty years. This is what is usually included in solar pool heaters:

* A solar collector: the device through which the pool water circulates to be heated by the sun.

* A filter – removes debris before the water is pumped through the collector

* A pump: circulates the water through the filter and collector and back to the pool

* A flow control valve – automatic or manual device that diverts pool water through the solar collector

The material that swimming pool solar collectors are made of varies, and the specific type you will need will depend on the climate in which you live.

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