Ted Williams’ Secret to Major League Baseball’s Rotary Batting Swing: What You Need to Know

So you want to learn the secrets of the Major League swing?

I UNDERSTAND COMPLETEly. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the Major League swing, so I searched and soon discovered that the great Ted Williams spilled the beans on his scientific approach to hitting a baseball, so I picked up his book, “The Science of hit” for more information.

I soon found out that Ted Williams was ahead of his time when he wrote his classic book, The Science of Hitting, back in 1970. What he was really looking for was what is now known as “Rotational Strike.”

In fact, the rotational stroke is a technique used by 95% of all sluggers in Major League Baseball, Hall of Fame.

I improved my players’ hitting mechanics and gave them an advantage at the plate, and you can too!

Consider this if you would. Most trainers teach the same old drills, year after year. Yes, your intentions are good; They mean well, but going through iteration, after iteration, with the wrong mechanics only imposes sloppy, weak form. Can you see how this is true?

So instead, let’s talk about three secrets of rotational hitting…

  1. hips- The hips are the ones that will actually create the torque that will generate power in the swing. The hips should drive the hands during the swing.
  2. bat plane – Ted Williams stated that “the swing is not level and it is not down.” You need to make the bat travel in the same plane as the pitch to increase your contact area.
  3. Hands- You have to make contact with your hands inside the ball.

These three secrets are important, and they are the three moves that the best baseball hitters in the game have in common. You should keep these in mind when instructing your players, or if you are learning the rotational batting swing yourself.

Warning! If you ignore these secrets, you risk missing out on his potential as a hitter.

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