teenage girls

Teenagers today live in a very different world than their parents did when they were teenagers. With the current explosion of social media, there are many ways in which you connect with other people and by which your popularity is judged. Many teenagers are permanently connected to social networks and do not get dressed without their cell phone.

We know the importance that friends play in the development of an adolescent. The negative effects this can often have been offset by family interaction, aunts, grandparents and such. Due to the fast pace of our modern lifestyle, many teenage girls are left without enough support from older women to guide them through the tumultuous years into adulthood. Although her social world has expanded dramatically, her support network has shrunk just the same.

Many of us had our mothers, aunts, and grandmothers to guide us through our teenage years. They offered us good advice and taught us to behave like women. We learned how a respectable woman should talk, dress, walk, sit, treat other people, and take care of herself.

Who is helping teach our teens today?

Mothers are under more pressure than ever. They are out of the workforce and often do not have an extended support network themselves. For the most part, mothers are doing it alone and making it difficult. Often there is no one to back up his advice, and many times he falls on deaf ears, being bombarded with conflicting information from his peers.

Teachers have overcrowded classrooms and are struggling just to keep their students in check, let alone give them individual attention.

Where to learn the necessary skills for life?

Here are some ideas that can help offer guidance:

  • Church groups offer a strong support system for teen girls. They offer a voice of reason through many of the difficult phases of adolescent life.
  • Some school systems offer expanded curricula that include issues facing teens today.
  • Sports activities are a great way to get involved in a healthy lifestyle, as well as make like-minded friends.
  • Charm and Behavior Schools still exist and can offer a teenage girl the necessary skills to deal with her steps towards femininity.

Teenage girls need access to older women who can guide them through the transformational phase of their teenage years. They should not be left without guidance, support and encouragement.

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