The money tree plant

According to the legend of the money tree plant, a poor and hard-working old farmer came across an unusual plant in the fields one day. Since he had never seen anything like it before, he decided to dig it up. The little tree was difficult to uproot, but he managed to bring it home. At home, he discovered that the tree was hardy and grew without much care. He decided to take a lesson from the plant and decided to be stubborn, resilient and not give up the things he worked for. Soon, he became a great businessman.

The true story of the money tree plant

The true story behind the braided money tree is not so romantic, but no less fascinating. The story goes back to the 1980s. During a typhoon, a truck driver in Taiwan was unable to drive his truck. So he stayed home and helped his wife braid her hair at her beauty salon. He came up with an idea: why not braid some money tree plants together? He took five plants and made a shape out of them. They were an instant hit, immensely popular throughout Asia. Today, the braided money tree plant has become one of the most popular houseplants in the world.

Pachira aquatica or money tree

Pachira aquatica or money tree refers to the tropical wetland tree, which is native to Central and South America and grows in the swamps of these places. Popular names for this plant are provision tree, Guiana chestnut, Malabar chestnut, and Saba nut.

This plant can reach a height of 18 m (59.1 ft) in the wild. It consists of palmate leaves, which are bright green, as well as lanceolate leaflets and green bark. Its flowers are usually very showy and include long, narrow petals that, when opened, resemble a banana peel to make a display of yellowish-orange, hair-like stamens. Money tree cultivation is done for edible nuts that can be grown in large, woody pods. The nuts are generally light brown in color and are accompanied by white stripes.

Its flavor is like that of peanuts and can be eaten raw or cooked. It can also be ground for the formation of bread. It is also possible to eat its leaves and flowers. It grows very well as a tropical ornamental in moist, frost-free areas. Money Tree has increased durability and is able to adapt excellently in all various conditions.

It requires a lot of sunlight, but exposure to direct sunlight is detrimental to it in the summer months because the leaves tend to sunburn. The term “money tree” for this plant is used primarily in East Asia. It is used in the form of ornaments in Japan. This plant is a symbol of good fortune and in the field of finance it is most commonly seen in business houses with red ribbons or other ornamentation.

feng shui

The plant has meaning for followers of feng shui. Its five leaves symbolize the five feng shui elements: wood, water, earth, fire and metal. Some say that if the plant is placed near places where money is kept (or where wealth is needed), prosperity and wealth will follow. The plant is known in Asian cultures as a “bringer of good fortune”, especially when given as a gift. A new proverb even emerged to describe the intertwined trees: “The five fortunes return home, richer at every juncture.”

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