Web Design – The Concept Explained

What is web design?

Web design is the art of creating websites, organizing and placing content on web pages in an attractive and persuasive way.

Every day we visit hundreds or thousands of websites. Some of them, we barely register or remember for more than a few minutes. Other websites leave lasting impressions on us and we keep coming back for more. The secret behind this attraction is the way the website has been designed. The correct technique and form of web design is therefore essential to expand the audience base.

The Elements involved in Web Design –

Although the number of minute nuances is great, the top five elements of web design in general are:

1. Layout: This element refers to the way content, advertisements, text boxes and other widgets are placed and arranged on the web page. It is also concerned with keeping up with the necessary standards of design consistency and integrity.

2. The color: even the most ardent lover of words has a soft corner for images. That’s why, no matter how attractive the content of the site is, it is necessary to have the right color palette. The choice of colors should align with the purpose of the site.

3. Graphics: This element is related to logos, images, animated icons and clip art inserted in the content of the site. The graphics are what add vitality and dynamism to the website. They should be placed in such a way as to attract the reader’s attention without interfering with their ability to read the content of the site in peace.

4. Fonts – Many sites overlook the importance of the font used and simply go with the easiest or first available option. This could make or break a site’s popularity because, as research shows, the human brain is more likely to regard some sources as friendly and others as unfriendly. This happens without our conscious choice. There is also the issue of a font’s readability by web browsers. All of these factors need to be considered before choosing a font.

5. The content: Although this element appears last in the list, this does not make it less important. Relevant, concise, and accurate content is the backbone of a successful website. Also, with recent developments, there is a need for content to be created in such a way that it is optimized for search engine rankings.

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