weightlifting for golf

A golf weightlifting program is the fastest way to add yards to your shots and eliminate back pain for good. The golf swing puts a great deal of stress on the body, especially the lower back. Implementing a golf strength training program will prevent and/or reduce purchases of lower back pain and injuries.

When it comes to driving distance in golf, an optimal level of strength is needed, especially in the “core muscles”, to produce a high enough swing speed to hit the ball optimal distances.

If the “core” isn’t strong enough, it won’t be able to store and generate energy during the backswing and downswing, and at impact.

If you try to swing harder and outside of what your body is capable of, the result will be more missed shots and shorter drives due to off-center impact on the clubface. But if you can make a FULL backswing and store that energy in your “core,” you’ll produce more clubhead speed without swinging harder.

The golf-specific beauty of being stronger is the added benefit of hitting the ball longer, with less effort. This eliminates the injury factor and improves consistency.

Many golfers think they need to hit MORE balls. That is not the case. Hitting more balls will only put more stress on their already weak bodies, again resulting in injuries and unlimited “off the field” time.

The primary emphasis when it comes to a golf weightlifting program should be on your “core,” which is your abs, hips, glutes, and even your hamstrings. Doing golf strength exercises that involve rotational movements will guarantee the best and most effective results.

Remember, the golf swing is a rotational movement and any golf strength training program should incorporate a large percentage of golf exercises into rotational movements.

A good example of such an exercise would be the seated twist with exercise tubes.

o Using the door accessory, place the pipe 3 feet above the ground in the door.

o Place the ball several feet from the gate. Grab both handles with both hands.

o Face to one side of the door, raise your hands to chest level with your arms extended.

o Rotate the hands holding the tube away from the door until there is enough tension.

o While keeping your hands at chest height, return to the starting position, but maintain tension on the pole at all times.

o Repeat until you complete the full set and reverse the movement and face the other side.

This is just one of dozens of golf weightlifting exercises that will quickly and dramatically transform your game. You may have wondered why you had not started years ago.

It’s never too late to start! Don’t put it off any longer!

Want to discover the secret to creating more power and consistency in your golf swing…and eliminating ALL your swing faults?

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