What’s the difference: Himalayan Goji or GoChi juice?

Goji juice is everywhere, at least on the Internet and in health food stores. Himalayan Goji Juice, manufactured by Freelife International in 2003, was the first juice blend to become widely available.

For thousands of years, Asian tribal healers used goji berries for their tribesmen, along with other native foods and local herbs. Those who ate these berries are said to have lived longer than anyone else, some living for over a century.

Although Himalayan Goji juice was all the rage, it was not the best juice that provided the most nutrition possible. As a result, Freelife began scientific studies on the effect that a new and improved juice had on humans. With further research and planning by scientists, GoChi juice was processed, manufactured, and labeled for sale in 2008. Today, GoChi is available in approximately thirty countries.

What’s the difference: Himalayan Goji or GoChi juice?

Himalayan Goji Juice is the original juice supplement made by Freelife. This juice is 92.5% berry extract and 7.5% apple, pear and grape juice with distilled water. The extract is approximately equal to 2 pounds of fresh berries.

GoChi juice also contains 92.5% extract and 7.5% blend of other juices. However, GoChi contains more LBP, which basically means it has 30% more spin. Freelife wanted to know what GoChi contained and how the body would implement it. Thus, three scientific studies were carried out, which allowed us to document and deepen the study of the effect it had on the human body.

The actual berries used in these different juices come from the same place: the Himalayan mountains. So the biggest difference is how the juice is made and blended. There isn’t a huge price difference between the two juices either; GoChi costs two dollars more per box.

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