3 Ways To Reduce Stress Through Strategic Thinking And Improve Your Health

Do you know that chronic stress can have negative health consequences like heart disease, cancer, and obesity? One way to modify the consequences is through strategic thinking. Do you think strategically? Can you calm down after your first impulsive thought and weigh the pros and cons of your thoughts before taking action?

One way that you can increase your ability to think in a less negative or less impulsive way would be to learn to take responsibility for your thoughts. While it’s easy to blame others for your fear and anxiety, deep down you know that no one can tell you what to think or control how you react to your thoughts. When you begin to take more responsibility for your thoughts, you will be less likely to blame others or stress when things don’t go as expected. ace

How can you do this? Don’t get overwhelmed by negative thoughts. You can learn to act as the gatekeeper to the stream of subconscious thoughts that flow into your conscious experience. Some of these thoughts may be based on negative outcomes, your doubts about your ability to succeed, or your fears and anxieties. These thoughts can stress you out, unless you are able to see a concrete reality that you can control or influence.

The second way you can develop more health-protective strategic thinking is to avoid negative people. Negative people can ruin your best plans with their doubts and negative outcome projections. They can fuel the fire of doubt and anxiety, and rob you of your confidence. Avoid them,

The third way to develop strategic thinking and reduce stress and improve your health is by starting a stress elimination journal or creative journal. This will help you see which thoughts and actions have been most helpful to you, and which ones didn’t help you at all. You will see what went wrong with your thoughts and facilitate improvement. It will also help you focus more on getting positive results. The habit of constantly keeping a creative journal will help you learn to stop thinking the worst in every situation and reduce your level of anxiety and stress by being practical about the possible outcomes.

When you accept the reality that you can strategically manage your thoughts, you will be better prepared to deal with stress and minimize adverse health-related outcomes such as high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity, and cancer.

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