5 Reasons Some Voters Continue To Support Greedy Politicians!

After his four years, as president of the United States, apparently, volumes have been written about Donald Trump, as a person, a leader and a public official, etc. Whether one supports or opposes him, it must be acknowledged, although he lost the 2020 election, by more than 7 million votes, his main supporters are perhaps the strongest believers, of any politician, in recent American history! ! Yet we too, we attest, many other politicians who consistently seem to put their own personal / political agenda, and / or their own interest, ahead of the common good, etc. With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review and discuss, 5 specific reasons / possibilities, some voters continue, supporting greedy politicians.

1. Follow blindly and trust: It seems that many people blindly follow and constantly trust their so-called elected representatives. In the 2020 election, we witnessed one of the highest voter turnouts and even then it was only 65%! Who can remember, the former president, constantly referring to anything that disagreed with him, and / or his agenda, as false facts? Political fact: ladies, estate, Trump lied, at an alarming and unprecedented rate, but apparently his main supporters didn’t care.

two. Political turn: Too often, many voters believe that politics to turn, they are constantly bombarded – with! Why do so few pay much attention to differentiate between politics and reality? How can people continue to support public / elected officials, who ignore what appears to be their best interests, to improve their political agenda, etc.?

3. Idol worship: Elected officials are human beings, not superhumans. Unfortunately, many allow politicians to hold themselves to lower standards, rather than ensuring that no one is above the law. It’s okay to prefer one over the other, but do so based on facts, approaches, actions, and ideas, rather than rhetoric, promises, and biases / fears.

Four. Bias / prejudice: Many experts claim that, based on their fears, biases and prejudices, more people vote than who is best equipped to handle the relevant and sustainable challenges we face. Sadly, we continue to witness the election of people who are focused on being elected, rather than representing and serving.

5. Don’t accept real facts: When conspiracy theories and theorists often get more recognition than actual facts, and too many tend to believe, these claims, how do they serve the best interests of the nation and our citizens? Although everyone is entitled to their own opinions, we are not allowed our own set of facts!

Unless / until America’s electoral and political systems become more representative and service-oriented, the nation and most of the people suffer! Wake up America and make your vote count for the better!

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