5 Simple Ways Any Woman Can Look Incredibly Younger In Photos

A friend asks you for a photo to commemorate a celebration or event. You reluctantly say “Sure”. but you will cringe at the thought of one more image that emphasizes your new crow’s feet or gray hair. But not all is lost. Here are 5 simple tips to look several years younger in photos.

Improve your skin care

An easy way to take years off is to help give your skin a beautiful healthy glow. Having an effective skincare routine is the first step in that direction.

Cleanse every day with a gentle cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils. Ceramides can protect the skin and the toner can moisturize it.

Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores. Invest in a gentle or chemical scrub that you can use a few times a week.

Always moisturize your skin. Mature skin may be drier due to the effects of menopause.

update your hair

Have you been wearing the same hairstyle for the last 15 years? If so, a new cut or style can rejuvenate you in photos. Look for styles that flatter your facial shape. Don’t be afraid to go shorter than usual or add extensions to give it more thickness or length.

If changing the style isn’t something you want to try, consider changing the color. If your natural hair color is fading due to frequent washing, adding a vibrant color to your hair will make it look refreshed and younger.

Lastly, consider wearing wigs. More women than ever are wearing wigs and they are getting harder to spot. Wigs have come a long way from the fake looking hair pieces of the past. Many have natural-looking textures or are made from human hair. If you decide to give it a try, go to a store that specializes in wigs or look for one online. Once you get one, it may need to be cut and styled onto your face by a hairdresser.

wear the right color

If you know your photo is likely to be taken, try to wear colors that flatter you. Colors that complement your skin tone will tend to make you look younger. Avoid wearing shades that fade you. Also avoid colors that overpower you. You can tell a color is overwhelming if when you look in the mirror, you see the dress you’re wearing before you notice your face. If you don’t know which colors suit you best, here are some tips:

Ask yourself what clothes I choose to wear more often than others. Often your favorite outfits are colors that look good on you.

Think about the pieces you wear that get the most compliments. Attire style aside, people often compliment others because the color of the blouse or dress suits them.

Look at photos of you. In which you think you look younger, what color do you wear?

Turning on

Lighting affects how you are perceived in photos. Depending on the light source (natural or studio), the amount and the type (soft or strong), you can alter the appearance of your face. Hard direct light will tend to bring out all wrinkles and blemishes. Softer indirect light will soften your features and make you look younger. So if you want a better photo, experiment with the lighting.


Find your best camera angle. Have you ever seen celebrities on the red carpet turn their heads or bodies slightly just before being photographed? Getting the best angle can make the difference between a flattering photo and one that shows dark circles. gold accentuates the double chin. Take a few selfies or have a friend shoot you at different angles to see which one gives you the best results.

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