a little scared to death

Often, I find myself fearing death just a little bit. Especially when things are tough, like when the COVID-19 virus threatens humanity. When the economic markets fall more than minimum, there is always the idea that this could be the end.

As I wonder about this, my phone keeps ringing and some of the messages are from people who are completely convinced that the end of the world has come.

And an uneasy feeling washes over me.

So I have to do some introspection. Am I so tied to the world that I don’t want to leave? Am I enjoying life too much and looking forward to seeing my grandchildren one day or am I just scared to death?

I read the text and wonder where I am missing the point: fifteen By embracing death, taking it into himself, he destroyed the devil’s hold on death and freed all who cowered in fear of life.

For a long time I wonder why I am a little afraid to die.

It seems like the more I think about it, the calmer I become. I realize that I am no longer afraid of what will happen to me after life on earth. Jesus took care of that.

We know that the wages of sin is hell. If you have sinned, there was only one way to go and that is straight to eternal damnation. It’s not a pretty prospect and certainly not a good way to go.

That made people fear death.

Fortunately, Jesus overturned this apple cart. He removed the proverbial sting of death by dying on the cross Himself. Fortunately, He did not remain in the realm of the dead, but instead made his way through death. He conquered death and by doing this he broke the power that death had over people. He cut the chains that bound people.

Eternal damnation no longer has control over us. Death can no longer destroy us. Jesus set us free. He removed fear and instead brought us peace and joy.

So why am I still a little scared to death?

I slowly realize that I am not afraid of death, but of leaving everything familiar here on earth. I am afraid of the unknown. This is completely normal for humans.

We don’t like the unfamiliar. We want to know exactly what the next step is going to be like and that’s the problem with heaven: we don’t know what it’s going to be like and what it’s going to be like and what’s going to happen there.

Which is right. At least we don’t have to be afraid that eternal death will jump us behind the next bush. Thank God, Jesus took care of that!

Holy Scripture
Hebrews 2:14-18

Are you also a little afraid of death?
Do you believe that Jesus took out the sting of death?
How are you living the victory of Jesus?

Jesus, thank you for taking the sting out of death. Thank you because it’s okay to be a little afraid of the unknown. Thank you for understanding. Amen.

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